Escutcheon Columbia University Libraries Digital Program
Specialized Image Formats

          Path: Digital Library Projects  : Imaging  :  Special Image Formats

Download Lizardtech ExpressView Browser Plug-in for MrSID and JPEG2000:

Sample CUL Images in MrSid / JPEG 2000 File Format:



MrSID is an acronym for "Multi-Resolution Seamless Image Database." MrSID is a powerful wavelet based image encoder, viewer and file format designed specifically for imaging & GIS professionals to enable true portability of massive images. MrSID enables instantaneous viewing and manipulation of imagery both locally and over networks while without sacrificing image quality. Features include unprecedented compression ratios; true multiple resolutions, selective decompression, seamless mosaicking, and browsing. MrSID files have the file extension ".sid"

The newer JPEG 2000 image format is also capable of providing multiresolution, zoomable displays. Columbia's Libraries Digital Program began using JPEG 2000 in preference to MrSID in mid-2005. JPEG 2000 images created by CUL have the file extension ".jp2"

The same LizardTech ExpressView plug-in opens CUL-created JPEG 2000 images as well as MrSID images.



Columbia Libraries    Digital Program
Last revision: 06/06/07
© Columbia University Libraries