Jackson, L. E. A Church directory for New York City

([New York] :  New York City Mission,  1867.)



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78           '             CHURCH DIRECTORY


1.  Rev. George Hatt........150 Nassau-st., 1st and 2d wards.

2.  Mr. Henry F. Stanly--------27 Greenwich-st., 1st and 2d wards.

3.  Mr. John Love------......15 Renwick-st., 3d and 5th wards.

4.  Mr. Henry Whittlesey-----11 Rutgers-st., 4th ward.

5.  Rev. Charles Battersby-----122 Leonard-st., 6th ward.

6.  Mr. Jason L. Burdick-------122 Leonard-st., 6th ward.

7.  Mr. Jonathan B. Horton --59 Montgomery-st., 7th ward.

8.  Rev. Zenas P. Wilds--------159 Varick-st, 8th ward.

9.  Rev. John H. Meacham ---593 Hudson-st., 9th ward.

10.  Rev. Richard Parker-------645 Hudson-st., 9th ward.

11.  Rev. Joseph P. Lestrade—13 Rutgers-place, 10th ward.

12.  Mr. John H. Bulen----------333 E. Fourth st., 11th ward,

13.  Rev. Marinus Willett--------Washington Heights, 12th ward.

14.  Mr. James W. Bishop-------70 Columbia-st., 13th ward.

15.  Mr. James W. Monroe-----212 Grand-st., 14th ward.

16.   Rev. Alfred C. Roe......--229 Thompson-st., 15th ward.

17.  Rev. Alexander Potter-----212 Grand st., 14th ward.

18.  Rev. John P. Betker......523 W. 23d-st., 16th ward.

19.  Mr. John Ruston.........114 E. 22d-st., 18th ward.

20.  Rev. Edward P. Payson ---108 E. Twenty-fourth-st., 18th ward.

21.  Rev. Enoch Mack------------Post-office, Station L, 19th ward.

22.  Rev. John W. Martin.....106 E. 40th-st., 19th ward.

23.  Rev. Richard Hayter......444 W. 34th-st., 20th ward.

24.  Mr. Peleg A. Spencer--------320 E. 51st-st., 21st ward.

25.   Rev. Calvin Lathrop--------223 W. Forty-sixth-st., 22d ward.

26.  Rev. Abraham Berky-------23 Seventh-st., Germans.

27.  Mr. William Roth-----------98i First , st., Germans.

28.  Rev. Henry A. Friedel-----127 Norfolk-st., Germans.

29.  Rev. Ola Helland------------Bethel, Pier 11, North river, seamen.

30.  Mr. Henry Veshlage.....-255 Rivington-st., Ger. immigrants.

31.  Mr. Gideon R. Lederer-----331 E. Thirteenth-st., Jews.

32.  Rev. George Dubois----------19 W. Thirty-eighth-st., French.

33.  Rev. Martin A. Erdman - --192 Seventh-st., Moravian.

34.  Mrs. Elmore.............327 M^^ison-st., 7th ward.

35.  Mrs. Whitaker -.....------13i Leroy-st., 8th ward.

36.  Mrs. Hughes------------------147 West Houston, 8th ward.

37.  Miss Smith--------------------73 Suffolk-st., 10th ward.

38.   Mrs. Mix-----------.....- - - 348 Third-st., 11th ward.

39.  Miss Wait........---------175 Sixth-st.. 13th ward.
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