Jackson, L. E. A Church directory for New York City

([New York] :  New York City Mission,  1867.)



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90                         CHURCH DIRECTORY



In the first six wards there are fifteen churches and twelve mis¬
sions, making a total of twenty-seven places of religious worship ;
and of these, twenty-one are Protestant. The population of those
six wards is 90,000. There are twenty-seven churches and missions
for all; or one church to every 3,300 persons. There are twenty-
one Protestant churches and missions ; or one Protestant church to
every 4,280 persons. Of this population, probably not more than
40,000 can be reckoned as Protestant; then we have, say, one
Protestant church for every 2,000 of the Protestant population.

Take, by way of contrast, the Eighteenth Ward, with a popula¬
tion of 60,000. There are in the Eighteenth Ward, of churches,
chapels, and missions of all kinds, 36 ; that is one church to every
1,660 persons. We suppose that one-half of the population is
Protestant—say, 30,000. Of the 36 churches, etc., 31 are Protes¬
tants. Then we have 31 Protestant chui-ches to 60,000 total popu¬
lation; or, say, one Protestant church to every 2,000 of the whole
population, or one Protestant church to every 1,000 of the Protes¬
tant population.

In the Fourteenth Ward there is one Protestant church, one
colored, and one Roman-catholic ; and there are four Protestant
missions. In the single Protestant church and the four missions
together, there are accommodations for 1,400 persons. The popu¬
lation of the Fourteenth Ward is 28,000, one-third Protestant; so
that there are Protestant church accommodations for one-twen¬
tieth part of the whole population ; or Protestant church accommo-
ilations for one-seventh part of the Protestant population, thus :
1,400 sittings to 28,000 total population ; or 1,400 sittings to 9,000
Protestant population.

Contrast with this the Twenty-first Ward, which has a popula¬
tion of 50,000, one-half Protestant. There are of churches, chapels,
and missions of all kinds, 32; that is one church to every 1,562
persons. Of the 32 churches, etc., 26 are Protestant. Thus we
have, say, one-Protestant church to every 2,000 total population ;
or one Protestant church to every 1,000 of the Protestant popula¬
tion. In the Protestant churches and missions there are sittings for
18,000 persons ; thus, 18,000 sittings to 50,000 total population, or
18,000 sittings to 25.000 Protestant population.
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