Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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because iron ones would be too expensive. Weston's report and
CoUea's letter (see Ap 22) are laid before the company, and resolu¬
tions are passed empowering Osgood, Colea, and Stevens "to treat
tor any ground in the vicinity ot the city, suitable for a well and
reservoir" and "to contract for as many pine logs as tbey may
think necessary for pipes, and also for boring the same."—Report
of the Manhattan Commiltee (printed by John Furraan, N. Y.,
17^^),yio;Green!eafsN. Y. Jour.,My%2,1799.  See My 8 and 10.

Joseph Browne advertises that he "is authorized by the Man¬
hattan Company to receive proposals tor supplying the aaid
company with pipea, tor the conveyance of water, made of yellow
or white pine logs. From 500 to 2000 wiU be immediatdy wanted
ot trora 12 to 14 feet in length. , . . The pipes must be ddivered
at the city of New York, on or bdore the ist of August next."—
Greenleaf sN. Y. Jour., My 8, 1799.

This is the day appointed for the consecration ot St. Mark's
Church.-Memorifli of St. Mark's Ckurck in ike Bowery (1899).
See Ap 25, 1795; L. M. R. K,, III: 933.  See, further, Ag 19.

The comraittee appointed by tbe Manhattan Company on
May 6 (q.v.) writes to the common council "respecting lands
forraerly occupied by Mr Christopher Colles for a Well & Reservoir
which they are Informed belong to the Corporation," The commit¬
tee asks tbe following queationa:

"First. Whether they are willing to sell the same to the Man¬
hattan Company & the value they put them at

"second. Whether the Corporation prefer leasing thera forever:
If BO at what rate by the Year for a Lot of one hundred by twenty
five feet

"Thh-dly. Whether the Corporation wIU perrait the ?ilan-
hattan Company to occupy the Grounds aforesaid untU it shall
be ascertained whether the Waters are pure and wholesome and
dso adequate to the supplying of tbe City and if a faUure should
be found in dther Respect, then to give up the Grounds leaving
them in the state tbey find thera, otherwise, then to enter into a
Treaty with the Corporation tor those Grounds."—M. C. C.
(1784-1831), U: 543. Tbe original letter is in raetal file No. 15,
dty clerk's record-room.

This letter came before the common council on May 13, and
it was then decided to postpone consideration of the first and
aecond queations, but to accede to the third. The street commis¬
sioners and Alderman De la Montagnie were appointed "to eiam¬
ine and report to the Board the Bounds State k quantity of the
Ground."—M, C, C. (1784-1830, II:  544.

Tbe committee of Trinity vestry, appointed April 22 to consider
ways ot raaklng the several churches bdonging to Trinity corpora¬
tion more secure, recommends covering with lead or tin "aU tbe
Angles and Horizontal Projections ot the Steeples and every
Place where there is a Probability ot Fire lodging;" dso "the
cutting ot openings in auch Places in the Steeplea as raay be thought
necessary and to fit each a good Rope and Slings,^the proriding
of at least two aiei \sic] and one or two Saws in each Section
where any opening shall be made with a Lanthorn to hold two or
three Lights, also to provide twelve additional leathern Buckets
for each Church and to place a large capacious stone Cistern at
the South west Corner ot each Church to receive the Rain water
from the Roof," Tbe report ia agreed to.—Trin. Min. (MS.).

Agreeable to the order of Nov. 5, 1798 (q.v.), the common
council ordera that a warrant be made out appointing Chas. Loss
a city surveyor.—M. C. C. (1784-1830,11: 542.

The common coundl votes against filling up the Exchange
SUp, as proposed by a petition on April 29, and orders that the
street commissioners eraploy the "Mud Drudge" in deaning it
out"toaproperDepthofWater."—M.C.C. (1784-1830,1!: 544.

The coramon councU orders payment of £169 "for Stone on
theOutsideof theBattery."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), H: 545. See
also Ap 30, 1798.

The president and directors ot the Manhattan Corapany pass
a resolution "That so rauch of the surplus capitd of tbe cora¬
pany as raay be deemed necessary, be eraployed in diacounting
paper securities, and that with a view to this object, an office of
discount and deporit, be established at such time and place, and
under such regulations as may be hereafter ordained."—Green¬
leaf s N. Y. Jour., My 22, 1799.  See My 22.

John Avery announces that he has removed from the govern¬
ment house "to that airy situation No. 10 M'iUiara Street, for two
years past occupied by M*? Boorraan as a boarding house."—

Com. Adv., My 15, 1799.  The government house had been con¬
verted into a custom house on May r (q.v.).  See also My 30.

"The spacious New Bath, on the North River, in the rear ot
Trinity Church, Is now open for tbe season. . . , Warm and Cold
Bathing,"—N. Y. Gaz.& Gen. Adv., My 12, 1799,

The coraraon council gives orders for the erection of a fire-engine
house on the almshouse yard "tor the two Engines imported from
Hamburgh."—M. C. C. (1784-183O, H:  547.  See F 15, 1797.

The common council directs that the treasurer let out "the
Corner House at the City HaU" (watch house—see Je 3, 1793)
until May I, 1800, deeming it inexpedient to take it down at
present.-M. C. C. (1784-1S31), H: 548,

"Socrates" publishes a series ot queations on the origin, powers,
and intentions ot the Manhattan Corapany, which he calls upon
Aaron Burr to anawer. He dedares that he "is not personaUy
desirous of inculpating Mr. Burr, but only wishes to investigate
the origin of the Manhattan Company which he considers the
raost outrageous insult ever offered to an affiicted dty. This
Corapany must and will be destroyed, or else confined to some
justifiable object. The writer does not even know what are the
true answers to some of the following questions, but aa he thinks
the Socratic method uaeful in the investigating of truth, he means
to pui sue his queries, and he adviaes the parties concerned to anawer
thera. Socrates is one of the people, and It is his right to investi¬
gate the conduct of thoae who hold themsdves up as candidates for
public trust." Among the questions" Socrates" asks are the following:

"Is the Manhattan Company instituted for the purpose of
bringing water into the city or of banking and apeculation?"
ituted for the purposes of banking and speculation,
whole of the act [see Ap 2] appear to

establish a bank la it
years any speculations
sithout expending one
)se so to do, can you,
m be pursued against

wherefore does ali
talk of water .   .

"If the Manhattan Company can no\
not authorized to pursue for the space ot te
the most foreign to the bringing ot water,
cent tor that purpose? If they should ch
as a lawyer, point out any remedy that
them till after the ten years are past."

"Is there anything in your character or that of youi
calculated to Insure the citir.ens against the abuse of such unheard
of powers?"

"Are not the general and undefined powera under which your
corporation now propose to set up banking, stock-jobbing. Jewing,
&c. derived from a clauae ol seven linea and a half, in the eleventh
page of the law, as now printed in thia city?"

"What do you mean by the words 'surplus capital' in tbe
clause aforesaid? Do you mean the remainder of the company's
capital after the supply of water is compleated? If so hy wbat
authority do you commence banking at preaent?"—Com. Adv.,
My 12 and 23, 1799. Another New Yorker, under the algnatuce of
"JuUus," attacked the company on May 35.—Ji/J., My 25, 1799.

Aaron Burr advertises: "Richmond HUl. To Be Let, and im¬
mediate possession given, the House and Farm, adjoining Llspen-
ward'a, formerly the property of Mr. Abrahara Mortier; any
quantity ot land, frora five to fifty acres, wIU be let with the house.
The Garden is in-coraplete order, and great forwardness, and the
Ice-house wdl fUled."--Gr«n/ea/'j JV. Y. Jour., My 31, 1799.

"Mr. Daniel N. Train, a young gentleman of genius and
ability, late a pupU ot Ruah, the famous Carver, of Philadelphia,
sorae tirae since arrived In this city, has lately completed the
ornaments of the ship Adams, soon to be launched [see Je 8] at the
Walaboght, L. I." The ornaments are thus described;

"On the head of the ship is the figure of the President, repre¬
sented in the attitude ot addressing both Houses of Congresa. In
his left hand is a scroll, supposed to be his address—his right is
rdaed in a spirited position, as If in the act of bidding defiance to
the enemies of Araerica—.   .  .

"On the stern, in the centre of the Taffrail, are the Arras of
the United Statea, supported by Sybde and Neptune—, . ."—
Gaz. ofU. S. (Pbila.), My 25, 1799.

Col. Henry Rutgers presents to the Presbyterian Church oa   .
Rutgers St. a beU which be has imported from England, Tbe trustees
appoint a committee to raiae money by aubscription to erect a
cupola tor it.  Such subscription was renewed on Oct. it, 1800.—
Prac of tke Trustees (MS.), Vol, II.

James Oram changes the name ot his paper (aee Je 3, 1797)
totbeNew-YorkPrice-Current.—,A. A.S. Proc. (l9l7),48l.
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