Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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tor the erection ot a new arsenal, or the cboice of two other lots
between Elm and Collect Sts. The memorial is accompanied by a
map (reproduced in tbe rainutes) which shows the three lots.
—M, C. C, (1784-1831), IV: 752-54; Assemb. Jour; 31st sess.,
213-14. See Mr 19 and My 7.

The coramon council refers to the committee of ddence "A
Plan tor fortifying the Narrows," by WiUiara Bridges, city sur¬
veyor, which baa been laid before the board.—M. C. C. (1784-
i83i),IV;  749.

In accordance with its report ot Feb. i (3. v.), the Wallabout
commiltee ot the Tammany Society issues a circular relative to
the projected Interment ot the remains of the Jersey Prison Ship
victims. It says in part! "Various attempts have been made to
accorapUsh this important and interesting object [see, e. g; Ja 31,
1803, and D 10, 1804). But individud exertions have hitherto
proved incompetent; and the public sensibility, too rauch occupied
by other considerations, has not as yet been sufficientiy eicited hy
tbe appeala that have been raade to it.  .  .  .

"The Society by which this Coramittee Is appointed are en¬
couraged to think . . . tbat their eiertions to rescue from ob-
Uvion, and place on an impcriahable basis, the memory of a large
portion [Footnote aaya: "The number of American Prisoners who
perished on board the Jersey Prison Ship Is supposed to be about
11,500."] ot those who perished in the revolutionary contest will
meet with suitable countenance and support.  .   .  .

"They have accordingly appointed this Commiltee, and in¬
vested them with powers to forra a plan tor the Interment ot that
portion of the Remains of our Countrymen now lying on the
shores of Long Island. Tbe Commiltee have procured from John
Jackson, Esq. on whose farm they were deposited, and where they
now lie, a Deed ot a piece of ground, conspicuously and advanta¬
geously situated, being near the bead of the Navy Yard, and which
wiU not be affected by any regulations that raay hereafter take
place. He has already planted sorae trees ot an appropriate de¬
scription on the spot sdected, and has given to the Society permis¬
sion to inter the bones in such raanner and with such solemnities
as they may think proper.  .   .   .

"... the rdatlves and friends of those unfortunate peraons,
and dso our tdlow-citizens at large, are requested to forward ira¬
raediately, either to Benjamin Romain, Esq. Grand Sachem of
Tammany Society, John Jackson, Esq. or the Chairraan ot the
Committee [Jacob Van Devoort], by mall, or other safe convey¬
ance such information aa may be in their possession or knowledge
of the Names, Places ot Birth, Age, Rank and Families of those
persons; together with such circurastances respecting each as may
be interesting, and particularly auch aa rdate lo their situation and
aufiering on board the said ship. ,   .  .

"A procession will take place composed of different Societies,
Public Bodies, and tbe Citizens at large, and Military Honors
will he paid on the occasion.—An Eulogium wiU be delivered to
tbe assemblage by a suitable character, due notice ot which will he
given to the public." As "it is desirable that the monuraent con¬
teraplated to be erected, should exhibit a finiahed apeclmen of
American taste and patriotism, and wiU consequently be eipensive
m its materials and workraanahip," contribuliona are solicited to
defray the cost which is estimated at about $10,000,—From origind
(which waa encloaed in a letter to Pres, Jefferson) in Biiby Jefferson
CoUection. A printed copy of the letter was sent to tbe recorder on
Feb. 24, and Is now preserved in raetal file No. 33, city clerk'a
record-room.  It came before the coramon council on March 7 (q.v.).

"The Araerican Academy ot the Arts" is incorporated by act of
the legislature.—LflTHi ofN. Y. (1808), chap. 6. The aoclety had
been organized in 1802 (q. v, Je 30, O 27, and D 3) aa the N. Y.
Academy of Fine Aria.

A report Is submitted hy tbe street commissioner concerning
"the Proprietors ot ground required for Canal Street" (see F i).

John Jay, Peter Jay Monro, and Dorainick Lynch, who own all
the ground "through which Canal Street wiU run on the East dde
of Broadway," offer to cede aa much ot their property as Is needed
tor Canal St., as well as for Elm and Crosby Sta., on condition that
they are released from all charge tor opening Canal St. west of

John Cameron owns a "two Story frame house and one lot of
ground in Broadway at the corner of and upon the grounds required
for Canal Street," the lot being 25 ft. on Broadway and 100 ft.
along Canal St.  For theae prenaises he asks £8,500.

Thoraas Duggan, for his plot bounded upon Broadway and Feb.
running 100 ft. west, containing about 5,000 sq. ft., asks j2,ooo, and ij
tor two plots west, containing about 17,000 aq, ft., he asks $12,200
additional. Other ownera of property west of Broadway were Wal¬
ter Bowne, Trinity Church, hdra ot Anthony Lispenard, etc. The
report is ordered to lie for consideration.—Af. C. C. (1784-1831),
V:  5-8.   See  also  descrip. of Pl. 83-b, HI: 561.  See, further.

The common council is inforraed that the "Labourera employed "
in taking Mud out of the Collect have, in the courae of the last
week, been totaUy discharged." The expenses for three weeks'
work amounted to $576.55 besides the dally rations issued at the
almshouse. On the same day, John Meghan is paid $54,24 for
"carting earth to CoUect S'," and John Bingham is given $500 "to
pay Carmen employed at the CoUect."—.W. C. C. (1784-1831),
V:  2, II.   See also ibid; V:  40, 57.

"The First Troop of Flying ArtiUery, will meet To-raorrow 19
Evening, the 10"' Inat. at the Riding House in Magazine-street, at
half past 3 o'clock P. M., mounted in Undress Uniform, with Caps
and Sabres. Members, whose horses are not in Town, and can¬
not procure such, will attend on Foot."—N. Y. Com. Adv., F ig,

De Witt CUnton is aworn in aa raayor.   He replaces Marinus   22
Willett (aee Mr 16, 1807).—M. C. C. (1784-1831), V: 12.  CUnton
had been mayor from 1803 to 1807 (aee O 29, 1803).  He waa auc-
ceeded by Jacob RadcUff in 1810 (q. o., Mr 5).

The common coundl approves a report of Street Commissioner "
Hunn which recommends that, before the grounds north of Canal
St. between Broadway and Varick St. are regulated, profiles be
made of the atreets latdy ceded by Trinity corporation north of
Spring St., "otherwiae errora raay occur in filing the lines tor the
course of the water, whicb it may be difficult afterwards to correct."
Hunn adds that the "great eitent ot the low grounds, north¬
westerly of the dwelling late of Col. Burr [Richmond HiU[, and
which is intersected by Varick St., wiU make it necessary to be very
particular with respect to the surveys in that vidnity, especiaUy
as it wiU be impracticable to convey the water the wbole distance
from the Bridge in Art Street, without the aid of a Subterraneous
paaaage, or Canal," and adviaes that stones be placed, "designating
the present as well aa the intended heights." He also recommends
that Clarkson St. be opened, aa it wIU tacilitate "the communica¬
tion to the aouth aide of Greenwich."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), V:

By a vote of it to 5, the common council adopts a petition to "
the legidature stating tbat "various plans have been suggested at
difierent rimes to furnish tbe said City with an abundant supply ot
water for tbe preaervation ot tbe pubUc hedth aod the prevention
ot fires. That in the adoption of proper measures to obtain this
Important object, it may be adviseable to obtain a transfer ot tbe
righta ot the Manhattan Company in tbat respect.

"Your Memorlallats therefore without considering themselves
in the least compromitted [sic] to make the said purchase, and
without intending to do so, unless the most favourable terms can
be obtained, and unless the interests of the city shaU require it, do
hereby represent to the Legidature their desire that a Law, author¬
izing such transfer, may pass."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), V: 22-24.
The law was passed on March 25 (q-v.).

There is laid before the common council a report of "the Imple- ^e
ments, SmaU arma and Amunition tor the defence of the State of
New York." This Indudes warlike stores in hand and those re¬
quired. It is referred to the committee ot defence.—Frora tbe
origind Ust (MS.) in metal file No. 34, city derk's record-room. See
dso M- C- C- (1784-1831), V:  25.

The coramon council resolvea "that this Board, confiding In the "
solicitude of the Honourable the Legislature of thia State to obtain
sufficient protection for the port and city of New York, submit to
their wisdom and discretion the propriety of making such cessions
to the United States both of Soil and Jurisdiction as may be neces¬
sary to carry into effect this iraportant object."—M. C. C. (1784-
1S31), V:  25.

The road coraraittee ia authorised to cause aa much earth to   29
be removed from Art St. "between Broadway and the Bridge"
(the bridge in Art St.—see F 22) as may be necessary to open the
road to a width sufficient to aUow two carriages to pass in safety.—
M.C.C. (1784-1831), V:  35.

reports to the common coundl that   "
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