IN this year, diplomatic rdarions between Spain and the U. S.,
which had been broken off in 1808 (q. v.), were resuraed.—Win¬
sor, VU: 498-
"Soon after tbe close of the War of 1812, an Englishman who
had learned the process of canning in his own country started the
business In New York City. By this time, the origind method ot
preserving in glass jars had been raodified by the use ot cans. This
New York firra soon advertised meats, gravies, and soups put
up in tins, warranted to keep fresh tor long periods, especially dur¬
ing protracted sea voyages, Custoraers were informed that, if
spoiled, the fact could be detected by the head ot the can bulging.
Thia preserving method was al first used principally tor oysters,
lobsters, and salmon. It was established gradudly at severd
points along the coast and became an industry ot sorae iraportance
by 1840."—Clark, ,H(M. of Manufactures in the U. 5., 485.
In the season ot 1815-16, the "Handd and Haydn Society"
was organized tor the cultivation of sacred music. In 1828, it was
said of it; "They have given, at various limes, oratorios in St.
Paul's Church, at which the most eminent smgers in this country
bave taken a conspicuous part."—Goodrich, Picture ofN. Y., 388.
In this year, the south-west battery was naraed Castle Clinton
in honour of De Witt Clinton, mayor during the war.—Sth Ann.
Rep., Am. Seen, and Hist. Pres, Soc. {1903), 116; L. M. R. K,,
UI: 983.
In this year, the northern limit of improvements on Broadway
wae at Canal St.—flfan. Cam. Coun. (1865), 604.
In this year, an assessment was made tor opening 125th St.
between Third Ave. and the lane leading to Manhattanville (In¬
dex to Assess. Rolls, Vol. I), and it was confirraed in August by
the supreme court.—flf. C. C, 1784-1831, VIII: 281.
Assessment was also made tor opening Second Ave. from North
St. to 29th St.—Index to Assess. Ralls, Vol. I. See also descrip.
ot Ph 112, III: 6i5. In opening Second Ave., It passed through
the burying-ground of the Methodist congregation.—Doc. No. 76,
Bd. of Aid,, F4, 1833.
A view of the city from Brooklyn Heights, drawn and en¬
graved at about this time by Boquet (probably J. L. Boquet de
Woiseri), shows some iraportant details found in no other view.
It torras one ot a series of aix aquatint viewa, engraved on the same
plate, with the title "A View of the First Cities of the United
Statea," reproduced and described in Vol. UI, A. Pl. 13.
In tbia year, on his return from England where he studied art,
Sam'l F. B. Morse organized the N. Y. Drawing Association. Frora
this sprang the Nat'l Acad, ot the Arts of Design, of which he was
the first president. For brief accounts of his career as a painter,
see Tuckerman's Book of the Artists (1867), and Ishara's HtjJ, 0/
Am. Painting {1905).
The national debt, principaUy on account of the war, amounts
to $99,824,410,70.—Am. Slate Papers, IX: 23.
Tbe Britiah again attack Gen. Jackaon before New Orleans
(aee D 28, 1814), land are signally beaten.—McMaster, Si'sr. of
the People ofthe U.S; IV: 186-87. See Ja 8.
Four buildings In Nassau St, and nine in Theatre Alley are de¬
stroyed by fire. The cornice of the theatre was severd times on
fire, hut the flames were fortunatdy extinguished before doing
much daraage.—JV. Y. Eve. Post, Ja 6, 1815.
In accordance with its resolution of Sept. 26, 1814 (q.v.), the
common council confers the freedom of the dty on Commodore
Thomas Macdonough.—flf. C. C. (1784-1831), VIU: 116-17.
WilUam Denning, at whose house In New York Macdonough is
staying, writes to his daughter, Mra. Shaler, in Middletown, Conn.:
"... He does not seera to like the coramand of tho steam
frigate [see N 30] not being used to such a vessd."—Macdonougb's
Life of Commodore Macdonough, 217.
The British raake thar final attack on New Orleans (see Ja
i), and are dedsivdy defeated by the Americans under Gen.
Jackaon.-Winsor, VU: 403-4; N. Y. Eve Post, F 6, 7, 1815.
New York "is thrown into a turault of joy" by rumours ot
peace.—JV. Y. Eve Post, Ja 9, 1815. Definite newa ot the Treaty
ot Ghent did not arrive until Feb. 11 (q.v.).
Certain inhabitants perition that an "efficient Bridge" he
built over Canal St. at Varick St. Referred to atreet commissioner.
—Af.C. C. (1784-1831), VIU: 118-19.
The "Preaident," commanded by Commodore Decatur, ia
captured outride New York harbour by the British ship "Endym-
ion."—Winsor, VU: 405, 458. See dso J^''. Y. Eve Posl, Ja 26,
1815. A court of inquiry to investigate the loas of the frigate
was hdd in New York in April—/iii, Ap 28, 1815.
The freedom ot the city is formally conferred on Gen. Jacob
Brown (see O 10, 1814)-—M. C. C. {1784-1831), VIII: 133-35;
Diary ofDe Wilt Clinton (MS.), in N. Y. H. S.
A national salute io honour of the victory at New Orleans
(see Ja 8) is fired from the U. S. frigate "Guerriere" lying In New
York Harbour.-JV^. Y. Eve Post, F 8, 1815.
Col. Lawrence, with 375 raen, surrenders Fort Boyer, Mobile,
to 5,000 British, with a large fleet, under Gen. Larabcrt.—Ann.
Reg. (1815), 159-61.
"Peace—On Saturday evening [F 11], ahout dght o'clock,
arrived the British sloop of war Favorite, bringing Mr, Carrol,
one of the Secretaries attached to the Araerican legation, hearer
of a treaty of Peace, between the United Statea and G. Britain,
. , . the public expressions ot turaultuoua joy and gladness,
that spontaneously burst forth frora all ranks and degrees of
people, . . . , without stopping lo enquire the conditions,
evinced how really rick at heart they were, of a war that threatened
to wring frora thera the remaining means ot subsistence, and ot
which they could neither see the object nor the end. The public
exhileratioo shewed itself In the illumination of most of the
windows in the lower part ot Broadway and the adjoining streets.
In less than twenty minutes after Mr. Carrol arrived at the City
Hotd. The street itself was illuminated by lighted candles, car¬
ried in the hands ot a large concourse ot the populace; the city
resounded in aU parta with the joyous cry ot a peace! , . . Ex¬
presses of the glad tidings were instantly dispatched In all direc¬
tions, to Boston, Philaddphia, Proridence, Albany, kc. kc."
Thia newa report is embodied in an editorial which contains the
editor's conjectures regarding the probable provisions of the
treaty.—AT. Y. Eve Post, F 13, 1815.
Jas. Sterling, in a letter to Wynant Van Zandt, referring to
these events, says: "... a handbill is to be Iaaued from the
Office of Lang k Turner . . ."-Wynant Van Zandt Papers
(MS.), in N. Y. P. L.
The reception of the news was thus described later by another
eyewitness: "Years ago, the office of the old Gazette was In Han-
over-squar^ near the corner of Pearl-street. It was a place of
resort for news and conversation, especiaUy in the evening. The
evening ot February nth, 1815, was cold; and at a late hour,
only Alderman Cebra and another gentleman were lett with
Father Lang, the genius of the place. The office was ahout being
closed, when a pilot rushed In and stood for a moment so entirely
exhausted as to be unable to apeak. 'He has great newa,' eiclalmed
Mr. Lang. Preaentiy the pilot, gasping for breath, whispered.