Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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1815   purchased by Jacob Barker for $5,050   Thia mates a tolaltor the
May    property ot $164,783.   "Tbe Corporation gave for this property
26   83,000 dollars, instead of 50,000 as we were Informed yesterday."
—N. Y. Eve Posl, My 26, 1815; descrip. of Ph 156-a, UI:   838;
flf. C. C. (1784-1831), VIII: 223.  See My 1.  Deeds for the pur¬
chased lots were given on June i^.—Ibid; VUl: 243.   See D 4.
For an outiine of the history ot tbe government-house, which be¬
carae the custom-house, see L. M. R. K., IU: 974.
June         The foUowing "City iraproveraents" are taking place;   "The

I block (or wedge) in old Hanover Square puUing down—Nassau-
Street opening to Cedar-street—the old Government-House taking
away and the lots around it dearing—in addition to the usud ex¬
ertion and alteration of bouses and stores, present a busy scene for
the bricklayers, carpenters, &c. and proraise rauch amendment in
the convenience and beauty of tbis city, not unworthy of a growing
metropoUs, rapidly resuming the first rank in commerdal activity
aod importance in the United States."—Columbian, Je i, 1815.
See Jl 1.

4          On this day, a party of officials Is lo be taken out into New York
Bay in the "Fulton the First" (see My 22).—N. Y.Herdd, Je 3,
1815; descrip. otPh 83-a, UI;  557.  Seejl 4.

5          The street commissioner reports to tbe comraon councU re¬
garding the construction ot Third Avenue. This report is quoted
in extenso as showing the method ot constructing roads at this time
onManhattanIsland;"as this avenue wiU become the thoroughfare

- for aU tbe Eastern travelling, and ot course be more used than any
other on the Island, it is of the first importance that it should be
laid out on correct principles and such as wiU unite ease and
safety witb durability." The following are some ot the suggestions
offered for working the avenue:—

"Tbat the Road be worked to the width of Siity Feet induding
the gutters

"2^ That forty teet in the center be graveUed from nine to
eighteen inches according to the nature of the soil over which the
Road will pass

"3"^ That no hill or rise in the Road shaU eiceed three degrees
of elevation except at two or three situations where on account of
the Rock It may be proper to aUow a higher rise

"'4th That an arch across the Road shall not exceed a half inch
to the foot to tbe middle ot the Road, which is about one bait of
wbat is usually given."

The natural declivity lengtbvrise is In moat caaea auffident but
dsewhere an artificial one raust be given.

Difficulty in obtaining gravd is anticipated. When this cannot
be done, broken stone ahould be uaed for a foundation; the stone
should be of as uniform size as possible, "for if there ia rauch variety
they wiU never lye firm and corapact as the largest wiU always
work up especiaUy if the bed is day."

Tbe road should be made by contract under a competent super¬
intendent who is constantly on the ground to see the contract fairly
performed. The whole diatance ahould be divided into four parts:—
the firat between the Bowery and 45th St., the second between
45th aud 82d Sta., the third frora 82d St. to 105th St., at the forti¬
fications, and the fourth frora thence to Harlera Bridge. Forming
the road should be in one contract and gravelUng it in another.—
flf. C.C. {1784.-1831), VIH: 224-26.
"          In recognition ot bis exploit on Feb. 20 (q. v.), Capt. Charles

Stewart ia voted the freedom ot the dty in a gold boi.—flf. C. C.
(1784-1831), VIII:  228.  The presentation took place on July 25
13         The common council passes "a Law for tbe establlshraent of a

Board of Health."—.If. C. C. {1784-1831), VIH: 231.
"          After a three years' dday caused by the exigendes and uncer¬

tainties of tbe war, the coraraittee baving in charge tbe memorial
presented to the comraon councU by the New York Sodety Library,
The Academy of Arts, Tbe New York Historical Society, etc. (see
O 5,1812), reports favourably, and the board resolves tbat the dras¬
house in tbe rear of the dty hall be granted to the various institu¬
tions tor a term not less than 7 nor more than 21 years.—M, C. C.
(1784-1831), VHI:  232-36.

Tbe third floor is assigned to tbe Academy of Arts; the second
floor to the American Museum; the firat floor to the Sodety Library,
tbe Historical Society, and tbe N. Y. Literary k Philosophicd
Sodety; one roora for the display of raecbanical inventions, another
for a cabinet of mineralogy, a lecture haU and an "apparatus chara¬
ber" are dso provided. The basement is to be a chemicd labora-

torj.—Eve Post, Jl 3, 1815. See also plan in Howe,H(jr. of Met. '_
Museum of Art, 21. In the following year the paupers were re- 1
raoved lo Bellevue, and the alrashouse waa remodelled. It was
henceforth known as the "New York Institution,"—Man. Com.
Coun. (1859), 577; Blunt's guide (1817), 92. The Acaderay ot
Arts was opened there on Oct, 23, tSi6.—Evc Post, O 25, 1816;
Diary ofD'e Witt Clinton (MS.). See also L. M. R. K., Ill: 957,
973, and My 13, 1816.

WelUngton and Bliicber defeat Napoleon at the batde of
Waterloo.—Hazen, Modern European Hist., 245-47.

The comraon counril passes the following traffic regulation; .
"Resolved tbat no Hackney Carriage ahaU from and after thia
day, be placed or Stand in Broad Way, on the West side of the
Park until after the first day ot October next ensuing Nor shaU
any Hackney Carriage Stand at the junction of Broadway k
Chatham Street Southerly of the poplar Trees at the South end
of the Park, under the penalty of Ten DoUars tor each offence,
to he paid by the Owner or Driver ot the Carriage whicb raay
be placed or Stand in the manner above prohibited."—ilf. C. C.
(1784-1831), VIH: 243-44-

"We are pleased to learn that Signd Poles, for the purpose of   :
denoting the number and description of sea vesada, aa soon aa
they appear In the offing, are preparing to he erected at the Nar¬
rows, upon the old plan, with aome improvementa to sirapUfy the
management of them."—N. Y. Eve. Posl, Je 20, 1815.

Napoleon abdicates in favour ot his infant son, the king of
Rome.-H'ay.fn'j Did. of Dales, 385.

A treaty of peace is rigned at Algiers hy Stephen Decatur and -
Wra. Shder, representatives ot the U. S., and Oraar Bashaw,
Dey of Algiers. The Dey rdinqulsbes aU dairaa to American
tribute, agrees to surrender all Araerican prisoners and to repay
in money the value of property taken from them, aod guarantees
that the commerce of the U. S. will never again he molested.
Having been ratified hy tbe senate, the treaty was proclaimed
hy Pres. Madison on Dec. 26.—N. Y. Eve Post, Ja 2, 1816; U. S.
Treaties, etC;!: 6-11.

The Columbian publishes a letter, signed "Public Spirit,"
coraraendng aa foUows: "The beauty and convenience ot our
city has so often been sacrificed to avarice, that one cannot but
fed some apprehension about the fate of that part of it where
at present stands the ruins of the lat^ governraent house. It haa
now fallen Into the hands of individuala, and although they have
an unquestionable right to dispose of It in the raost lucrative
way, yet should that spot be covered with housea built without
taste, and placed with no regard to beauty and proportion, it
would excite the indignation of every living citizen and be a aource
of great regret to our successors." The theme Is devdoped at
length.-Co/umWan, Jl 1, 1815.  See S 2.

Louis XVTU enters Paris.—Haydn's Did. of Dales, 385.

A commerdal treaty is signed at London by representatives
ot Great Britain and the U. S. It was ratified by Pres. Madison
on Dec. 22.—Laws of U. S; 14th cong., 1st aeaa., 157-61. See
also Winsor, VU: 488.

"The Steam Frigate Fulton the First, baving taken on board
3 fuU cargo of consumers, made a cruise to sea, and returned
again Into harbor in the short space of aeven hours."—N, Y.
Eve Post, Jl 5, 1815. See also Colden, Life of Fullan, 227 et sej.,
and descrip. of PI. 83-a, UI: 557. See S 11.

Seven buildings on Market St., three or four on Bedlow St.,
and ahout 12 sraaU ones inride the block are destroyed by a fire
whicb rages for an hour and a half and threatens the destruction
of aU that part of the dty. Due to the "unceasing and vigorous
eiertions of our well organized engine companies," the flames
were fioaUy eitingulshed.-W. Y. Eve Post, Jl 6, 1815.

Jacob Raddiffe is appointed mayor.—flf. C. C. {1784-1831),
VUl: 261. See also iV. Y. Eve Post, Jl 11, 1815. Raddiffe bad
previously served in tbis office in 1810 (q.v., Mr 5). His present
incumbency lasted untU March 2,1818 (q.v.). See also Mr 6,1815.

Napoleon surrenders to Capt. Maitland ot the "BeUerophon,"
at Rochelort—Haydn's Did. of Dates, 385.

The common council passes an order directing that "that
part of Front St from the intersection of it by South Street at
James Slip to Jefferson St be widened to 70 feet by adding 30 feet
thereto on the Southerly side—And that front St so widened
shaU be a continuation of the permanent Une & be known & des-
tingulshed as South Street."—M. C. C. (1784-1831), VUl: 255.
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