Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 6)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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:r at, i

3 Ja7


Adelphi Hotel, cor.  Broadway and  Beaver

St., erected, 1S27, L. M. R. K., 3: g76
Admiral Hawke Tavern, opposite the new

market In Peck Slip, 1763 Ap 11
Admiral Warren Tavern. See Sign of Admiral.

Warren, infra
Albemarle Hotel, at n. w. cor. of Broadway

and 24th St., being ereded, iSsg N 18
Albion Hotel, 76g Broadway, dates from this

Alehouse of John Bastord, in West Ward,
1711 My T

Ambuscade Hotel, 241 Broadway, near the
Bowling Green, Academy of arms, dance,
eta, at, 1794 My 17

American Hotel, at cor. of Cortlandt and
Greenwich Sts., opened, 1804 O 22

American Hotel, n. w. cor. Broadway and
Barclay St., erecied in 1826, L. M. R. K.,
3: 976; opened, 1827 My 2, 1828; seen in
view ot 1827 (Pl. 100), 3: 391; on Pl. 4 of
Bourne Views, 1S30 N 11, 3; S95; with resi¬
dence ot Philip Hone on Pl. 4 ot Peabody
Views, 1831 My 25, 3; 602; lith. view of,
(No. 229 Broadway), 893; Pres. Jackson at
the, 1833 Je 12; Henry Clay al, 1833 O is;
extension of, to indude the Hone residence,
1836 Mr 9; the "new" (rebuilt) nearly
completed, 1838 Mr 24; the Mirror to
occupy a store under, Mr 24; to be taken
by Mr. Cozzens ot West Point, and lo be
opened (on Je 24), Je 8; seen In distance on
Pl. 133-a {1846), 3: 699; one of the princi¬
pal hotels, 1847; destroyed by fire, 1866
Ap 6.   See also L. M. R. K., 3: 976

American Hotel, on east side of Broadway al
cor. of Grand St., dales from this year, 1830

Ansonia Hotel, apartraent-hotel, opened
(1903.—See Bonner, New York, pub. 1924,
p. 148)

Aoraon's Tavern, cor. Nassau and Spruce
Sis., formerly Van de Water's (ff. v.), 17S3
S 11; one of the important taverns, 1789;
tickets tor Taramany anniversary celebra¬
tion to be secured at. My 8

Ashley's Tavern, 2 Water St., 17B3 Ap 14;
Marine Society meeta there, Ap 14

Astor Hotel, on wesl side of Broadway be¬
lween 44th and 451b Sts., opened, 1904 S i;
Hudson-Fulton celebrallon banquet at,
1909 S 25.  See also L. M. R. K., 3:   979

Astor Houae, Landmark history of site, 3;
976; Rutherturd reaidence on Vesey St.
cor. later the site ot, 1770; originally
known as the Park Hotel, 1833 O 29; Wra.
B. Astor advertises for proposals to build
the, O 2g; expected cost ot, 6 A 1833 O
29; view of (Park Hotel) dtawn in 1834 by
Schmidt trom plans of the architect
(Rogers), A. Pl. 22-a, 3: 878; demolition
of the "valuable buildings" on future site
ot, begins, 1834 My i; this work com¬
pleted. My is; corner-stone laid, Jl 4;
lo be erected by John Jacob Astor, with
Isaiah Rogera architect, jl 4; names ot
builders, etc., on silver tablet in corner¬
stone, Jl 4; walls of first storey nol yel
' completed, S 25; granite slabs ot tiret and
second storeys and pillara in position, D 6;
exterior nearly completed, 1835 N 20;
building and ground cost over Ji,000,000,
N 20; upper part (not stores) to be rented
for 825,400 per annum, N 20; Aator to
spend i8o,ooO on furnishings, N 20; stores
in, lo renl for total of aboul $33,000, N 20;
to open May ist next, N 20; on Goodrich
Plan (1836), PL gg, 3: S9i; opened, 1836
My 31; vievi oi, in The Magnalia I1837),
My 31; described (with history of). My
31; vice-pres. al, Jl 31; dinner at, to
Prince de Joinville, 1B38 Je 16. 1841 N 27;
vignette view (1840) on Colton Map (Pl.
124), 3: 6S7; shown in 1842 on Pl. 126-a,
3:690; meetingal, to artange tor reception
of Dickens, 1842 ja 26; Lord Ashburton
at, S 1; description of, {finally dosed,
recent developments on site), 1843 Ag 19;
largest and finest hotel in 1846, described,
3: 636-37; ahown in 1846 on Pl. i33-a.
3: 69g; damaged by fire, 1S46 Mr 31; one
ot the prindpal hotels, 1847; dinner at.
In honour of Thos. Butler King. Mr 23;
illuminated for victory at Buena Vista and
fireworks at. bearing name of Gen. Taylor,
Ap 9; mentioned by Wm. Chambers, 1854;
Lincoln receives visitora al, i860 F ig;
Hannibal Hamlin serenaded at, F 20; set
on fire by Confederate agents (Nov. 23,
1864), 3: 746; shown in 1874 on Pl. 133-a,

3: 777; a neariy perfect example of the
Doric, i883 Ap 2g; shown in ig04 on Pl.
iSS-a, 3: 841- See also L. M. R. K., 3: 976
Aator Place Hotel, 733 Broadway, dates from



Astoria Hotel, s. w. cor. Fifth Ave. and 34th
Sl., John Jacob Astor plans to build, ad¬
joining the Waldorf (g. v.). 1894 N 2;
completed, entire building opened as the
Waldorf-Astoria (ff. v.), 1897 N 1. See also
L. M. R. K,. 3:981

Athenaeum Hotel, 347 Broadway, kept hy
Edw. Windust, 1836 Je 17; opened, O 13;
Union Club organised at, D 7; Hone on,
1837 Ap 2S;   view of, 3: 893

Atlantic Garden,   See Theatres, etc.

Atlantic Hotd, at No. 3 Broadway, 1847. Cf.
Atlantic Garden

Auction Hotel, 123 Water St.. Meeting ot
bachelors al, 1821 Mr 14

Baker's Porter-House, Wall St., Stage starts
trom, for Harlera, 1806 Ap 3; annual din¬
ner of Soc. of Ihe Cincinnati at, 1807 JI
4;  raeeting-place of the "Ugly Club," Jl 4

Bank Coffee House, formerly the mansion of
the Philipses, cor. King (Pine) and Smith
(William) Sts., whicli becarae a lodging-
house, 17B3; on sile of No. 43 Willlam St.,
3; 976; on Pine St., 3: su; opened by
Wm. Niblo, 1814; references to, 18:4; one
of the principal hotels, 1817 O; torn down,
1845 My ig.  See also L. M. R. K., 3: 976

Barham'a (Mra.) Tavern, 63 Broadway, i:

Barnum's Hotel, 434 Broadway, naraed the

Harvard House {ff. v.), 1831
Basse's house. New Eng. agents lodge at,

1633 My 12/22
Battery Hotel, Battery Place, is seen on PI.

1847 ■    '        '

Beef Steak and Oyster House, on Rotten
Row, kepi by John Hill, 1774 Mr 28

Beekman's Tavern.  See Hall's Tavern

Belmont Hotel, a. w. cor. of Park Ave. and
42d St., opened, 1906 My 8; shown on
PI. I6g-b, 3: 852. See also L. M. R. K.,
3:   979

Belvedere House, Cherry. Montgomery,
Clinlon, and Monroe Sts., 3: 976; origi¬
nally a club-house, and was a centre of pro-
Brltlsh influence, 1; 384;   nearly finished,

1792  Je 25; proposals for a keeper asked
for, Je 25;  opened, John Avery proprietor,

1793   My 20; Independence Day cele¬
brated at, Jl 4; temporarily called "Lib¬
erty Hall," Jl 4: ball-room ready, D 17;
view of (Pl. 60-a, V. 1) described, 1794,
1; 436; Henry Wansey On, Mr 24; de¬
tailed description of, Ag; concert al, adver¬
tised, Ag 26; popular In the summer, S;
approach to, and other improvements,
N 11; aquatint view of, 3: 896; adv. ot an
entertainroenl to be given at, 1796 Ja 23;
Robert Liston, Brilish ambassador, and
family at, 1797 O 9; Soc of the Cincin¬
nati celebrates al, 1798 Jl 4; dinner at, to
buildera ot three new shlps-of-war, 1800 Ap
24; adv. to he aold, 1802 Mr 11; Jerome
Bonaparte takea, for the summer, 1804 Je
26; taken down, 1B28. See also L. M.
R. K., 3: 976

Belvoir House and Gardens. See White
Conduit House

Biltmore HoleL  SeeL. M. R. K., 3:  979

Black Horse Inn, 52-34 Bowery, opened by
Sam. Oakley In 1802, L. M. R. K., 3: 976;
remained here until i8n, 976

Black Horse Tavern (Sign of the Black
Horae), weat side ot Williara St.. soulh of
Exdiange PL, John d'Honneur proprietor
ot, conference com. of both houaea of leg.
to meet at, 1727 O g; history of. O 9; as-
sembly'a com. of grievances meets at, 172B
Ag 9; Lewis Morria entertained at, 1733 O
31;  Andrew Hamilton entertained at, 1733

On; meeting-place ot Van Dam's friends,
O 11; meeting-place of assembly com., O
22; birthday ot Prince of Wales cele¬
brated at, 1736 ja ig; com. of grievances
lo meet at, 1737 Ap 6; D'Honneur paid tor
meetings at, Ap 27; closed, 1740 Ja 19.
See also L. M. R. K.. 3: 976
Black Horse Tavern, In Central Park, near
line of losth St. and Lenox Ave., History
oi the property, 1748; a stone house built
by Jacob Dyckman, Jr.. 1748; a raeeting-
place (on Od. 23, 1752) ot the assembly on
accounl of sraall-pox in city, 1752 S 29;
advertised for sale and described, 6 A 1756
Mr 8;   sold by Dyckman (on Mr 16, 1736)

to Dan. McGown, 6 A 1736 Mr 8; history
ot the property, 3: S54-55; lavern kept by
Widow McGown and son Andrew, ssS;
the lavern becarae known as McCjown's
Tavern, and the rocky pass near as Mc¬
Gown's Pass, 355; advanced posl ot the
British al, 1776 S 24, i: 325; locatl'lB of,
1776 N 16; called "Legget's on Colles's
toad-map (of 1789), Pl. 51 {v. 5), 3; 979;
demolished (1790) and rebuilt. 3: 979;
again rebuilt (in 1808), 3: 979; the property
remained in the McGown family until
184s when sold lo one Odell, (see historical
summary under 1748); sold by Odell
<Ap I. 1S47) to Eliz. Boyle (Sister Eliza¬
beth of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vin¬
cent de Paul), (jee summary. 1748);
becomes known aa Mount St. Vincent (the '
original stone being now aucceeded by a
frame dwelling), (see 1748); enlarged in
1847, 1848, 1850, 1855, 3: 97g; later his¬
tory of site, (see 1748), and L. M. R. K.,

opened   by

,:   979

Thoa. Palmer, 1797 ^P i-'

Blue Bell Tavern, w. side ot Broadway n. of
iBist St., 3: 977; Fort Washinglon erected
near, 1: 323; earliest reference lo, 1753 O
12; varioua references to, O 12; wood
land above, offered for aale, 1768 F 15;
Washington's troops posted near, 1776 S
is; attack ot British near, S 16; Stephen
Dolbeet proprietor, 1784 Je 10; location
ot, Je ro; David Wilaon proprietor, 1793
F 20; view of, in Val, Man. (for 1S57).
1836; standing until 1880, 3: 977; various
views of, 977. See also Sign ot the Blue
Bell, infra

Blue Dove, The, 10-12 Peari St.. lavern of
Jan de Ruyter, 2; 281; built about 1661,
L. M R. K., 3: g77; L. Pos in brawl at,
1661 Jl 13, 2: 281. See also L. M. R. K.,
3: 977

Bool, The, tavern. Sile ot. unknown, 1714 Je
17; joint com. of aaaembly to meet at, Je 17

Boutecou'a Tavern, in North Ward, Daniel
Boutecou (Bounticow, Bontecou, Bonle-
koe),  the tavern-keeper, is paid  by  the

C.   C.  for  '

23 _

.   ot   i

3 Mr

wling Green, The Old, garden and tavern.

See under Theatres, etc.
Bradford's  Coffee  Houae.    See  Merchants'

Coffee Houae, infra
Bradish'a  (Mrs.)  Boarding-house, in   Stale

St., i8i7 Agg
Branch Hotel, below Bowery Theatre, 1B30

Brannon's Garden.  See Theatres, etc.
Brasier's (Thos.) Tavern, C. C. pays Brasier

tor use of, for a com. meeting, 1717 N 2
Brevoort Houae, n. e. cor. ot Fifth Ave. and

Sth St., opened (1854); Queen Emma ot the

Sandwich Is. stays at, 1866 Ag 8;  Duke of

Argyll and daughters slay al, 1879 Jl 13;

<Jeo. Augustus Saia on, D 1;   in recent

years a favourite  rendezvous  ot  French

Bristol^Hotel, at n. w. cor. 42d Sl. and Fiflh
Ave., 1891 N

Broad St. Houae.  See Frauncea Tavern

Broadway House, n. e. cor. Broadway and
Grand St., the first, conducted by Abr,
Davla (c. i7g6), 3; g77, iBog; the second,
ereded on aite by Beekman Sc Bartin
{1813), 3: 977; painting ot, hy R. Bond,
1830; shown in view of 1846 (Pl. 133-a).
3: 6gg; view of, In 1832 (Pl. 140), 3: 7o8-
9; headquartera ot the Whiga, 708-9.
SeealioL. M. R. K., 3: 977

Brock's Tavern, on s. side of Wall St. opp.
Presbyterian Church, formerly kept by
Geo. Burns and called the Sign of Admiral
Warren (ff. v.), 1738; kept by Walter
Brock (in 1763), 3; 976; Brock is paid for
wine, etc., by the C. C, 1767 F 20; situa¬
tion of tavern, F 20, 1770 O 8; advertised
for sale, 1774 Jl 20; called Burrow's
Tavern, 1777 O 22

Brooklyn Hall (tavern), at Brooklyn ferry,
Chas. Loosley sole proprietor ot. 1779 My
7; formerly named King's Head Tavern,
My 7; charity lottery held al, 17B2 Je
4;   meeting ol creditors. N 16;   furniture


1, N 2


Loosley   (Looseley).    Chas.   (In   general

Brunswick Hotel, east side of Fifth Ave. trora
26lh lo 27th St., Geo. Augustus Sala on,
1879 D 4;   raenlioned, iSgi N
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