Rawlinson, H. G. Intercourse between India and the western world from the earliest times to the fall of Rome

(Cambridge :  University Press,  1916.)



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Ktesias 8, 14, 16 ff., 29 ff., 33,
66,155; Indika 26; Persika 27

Ktesiphon   i,  115,  128

Kubja   177

Kuhn's Zeitschrift  2

Kumdrasambhava   ij^^

Kumari, Cape   122

Kumdri or Devi   122

Kwa/ioX7ot   66

Kunaxa, battle of  26

KvvoK^<f)d\oi {= Svamukha)   66

Kushan kings 84, 87, 103, 163,

Kushans 84, loi, 114, 161, 162,
165, 167

Laccadive islands {=Laksha dvipa)


Lacote, F., Essai sur Gunadhya
et le Brihatkathd  180

Ladak   24

Lamaist ritual   178

Lassen 29 ff., 42; Indische Al-
therthumskunde   n, 17, 29, 123

Law, N. N., The Ancient Ilindu
Polity   68

Leipsius, Denkmdler  99

lena   162

Leo I   154; II   154

Leuke Kome  90, 129

Levant  115

Levi, Sylvain, Theatre Indien 169

Lhassa   178

Liaka Kusulaka   83, 87

Libya,  19, 66

Lillie, A., India in Primitive Chris¬
tianity   176

Lindner,   Die   Iranische   Flutsage

. ^5
Linnaean Society, Trans, of 126
Lixus, R.   98
Llamas   179

Loeb Classical Library 142
Logos, doctrine of the 176
Lorinser, Dr,  Die Bhagavad Gitd

Lucium   29
Lucretius   13

lycium (berberry) 114, 125
Lysias   86

McCrindle, J. W., Ancient India
8, 22, 23, 26, 66, 77, 142, 152,

Macdonell, A. A., Hist, of Sansk.
Lit. 169;  Vedic Index  15

Macrinus   153

Madeira   99

Madhyadesa   82

Madhyamika  80, 81,  117

Madras   102,  122

Madura   166

Maes (Titianus)   115

Maesolia (Masalia)   132

Magadha  33, 38, 80

Mahdbhdrata    23,   27,    68,    172,

Mahapadma {see Xandrames)   33
Mahdparinibbdna Sutta  82
Mahdvarnsa   4, 34, 35
Mahoshadha Jdtaka   n
MaKpStStoi  66

Malabar (Male)   no,  148
MaJacca, Straits of   131
Malala, Johannes   152
Mdlavikdgnimitra  81
Malay Peninsula   133
malobathrum   123,  125
Mai van  119
Malwa   117

Mambarus (? Nahapana)   118
Manar, gulf of   150
Mandagora (? Bankot)   119
Mandanis  62
Mandeville, Sir John   26
Mangalore   120

Mangaroutha (Mangalore)   148
Manicheans, the   138
Manicheism   177
Manu   53, 57;   code of  138
Marcellus, theatre of   109
Marcion   154
Marco Polo   149
Marcus Aurelius   127,  129, 153
Mardonius   27
Marinus of Tyre   130,  132
Marseilles   98

Marshall, Sir J. H.   163, 165, 171
Martichora  30
Marusthdli  21
Masalia   123

Massacre of the Innocents   177
Massagetae, the   22
Masulipatam district   132
Mathura   80, 81, 83, 87,  177
Maues (= Moga = Moa?)  83, 86
Mauretania   98
Maurya Emperors   28, 39, 79, 81,

117, 160 ff.
Maurya   Empire,   the   29,   33 ff.,

49 ff.,  70,  161
Maximinus   154
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