Rawlinson, H. G. Intercourse between India and the western world from the earliest times to the fall of Rome

(Cambridge :  University Press,  1916.)



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Tokosanna, R.   133

tortoise-shell   120

Toy Cart  169 ff.

rpaxv^ito'^Tes   no

Trajan   109,   127,   129,   140,  153,

163,  164
Trans-Gangetic India   133
Trial by Ordeal   144
trikona {rpLyuvos)   174
Trimurti, shrine of the   146
Turkestan  148
Tykta   63

Tyrannoboas, see Auranoboas
Tyre, 2, 7, 10, 89, 115, 128, 129

Ucchanga Jdtaka  25

Ujjain  56, 117, 173

iiXiKoi   177

Ummaga Jdtaka   12

uplet  124

"Ur of the Chaldees"   3

Uttara-kuru (= Attakorae) 25, 66

Vdch   176

vaidHrya {^'rjpvWos)   14

Vaisya (caste)  50 ff.

Valens   154

Valerian   154

Vallabhas of Gujarat   177

Vdnaprastha  62

Vaniyambadi   loi

Varahamihira 173, 174; Brihat
Sarnhitd 173; Hora Jiidna
174;   Pancha Siddhdntikd  173

Varuna  2

Vasco da Gama  99, 102

Vdiishtha Siddhdnta  173

Vasudeva  87

Vedabbha Jataka 180

Vedas, the   156

Veddas   124

Vedic gods  2

Vengi {i.e. Kalinga) dialect  139

Vengurla  119

Vergil, Georgics   116

Vespasian   103,  153

vidUshaka (parasite)   169

Vijaya, prince, of Bengal  4

Vikings   121

Vikramaditya era  87

Vilivayakura II   118

Vishnu   15

Vishnu Purdna   177

vita (pimp)   169

Vitellius   153

Vizadrog  119

Vonones   83, 87

Von Schroder, L., Indiens Lit. und

Cultur  169,   174;    Pythagoras

und die Inder   158

Watts, G., Commercial Products of
India.   126

Weber, A. 177, 178; Indian Lite¬
rature 172; Indische Studien
178;   Sanskrit Literature   169

White Huns   148

Wilson, H. H., Ariana Antiqua 17

Wima Kadphises   87

Winckler, H.   2

Windisch, E., Greek Influence on
Indian Drama   169

Xandrames (Mahapadma)  33
Xerxes  27, 68

Yavana, YavaM, 31, 38, 71,
81 ff., 117,  121, 158, 169, 173

Yavanapura (= Alexandria)   173

Yavanikd  169

Yoga doctrine of Patafijali   175

Yogis   60

Yonakas, "Yonas"   79

Yueh-chi  75, 82, 84

Yule, H, 132; Cathay and the
way Thither 131; Marco Polo

Zaba (Zabae)   132, 133
Zamorin, of Calicut   102
Zarathustrian influence   177
Zarmanochegas  {Sramandchdrya),

Buddhist monk   107
Zend Avesta   72
Zeugma  128
Zeus Ombrios   61
Zodiac, signs of the   173
Zoilus   86

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