Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 132  

132                           ALBERUNPS INDIA.

from the world, as, e.g. the book composed by Gauda
the anchorite, which goes by his name ; the book Sdm¬
khya, composed by Kapila, on divine subjects ; the book
of Patanjali, on the search for liberation and for the
union of the soul with the object of its meditation ;
the book Nydyabhdshd, composed by Kapila, on the
Veda and its interpretation, also showing that it has
been created, and distinguishing within the Veda be¬
tween such injunctions as are obligatory only in cer¬
tain cases, and those which are obligatory in general ;
further, the book Mimdmsd, composed by Jaimini, on
the same subject; the book Laukdyata, composed by
Brihaspati, treating of the subject that in all investiga¬
tions we must exclusively rely upon the apperception of

Page 64. the senses; the book Agastyamata, composed by Agastya,
treating of the subject that in all investigations we
must use the apperception of the senses as well as tradi¬
tion ; aud the book Vishnu-dharma. The word dharma
means reward, but in general it is used for religion; so
that this title means Tlie religion of God, who in this
case is understood to be Narayana. Further, there are
the books of the six pupils of Vyasa, viz. Devala, Sukra,
Bhdrgava, Vrihaspati, Ydjnavalkya, and Manu. The
Hindus have numerous books about all the branches
of science. How could anybody know the titles of all
of them, more especially if he is not a Hindu, but a
foreigner ?

Mahi-             Besides, they have a book which they hold in such

veneration that they firmly assert that everything which
occurs in other books is found also in this book, but not
all which occurs in this book is found in other books.
It is called Bhdrata, and composed by Vyasa the son
of Parasara at the time of the great war between the
children of Pandu and those of Kuru. The title itself
gives an indication of those times. The book has
100,000 Slokas in eighteen parts, each of which is called
Parvan.    Here we give the list of them :—

  Page 132