Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 163  



SO  little   about the  correctness  of  what  they copy.
" Atreya says :

6 particles of dust = i marici.

6 martci                  = i mustard-seed {rdjikd).

8 mustard-seeds     = i red rice-corn.

2 red rice-corns      — i pea.

2 peas                    = I andt.

And   I   audi is   equal to |  ddnak, according to the

scale by

which   7  ddnt


are equal  to   one  dirl

Further :





4 andt


I mdsha.


8 mdsha


I cana (?).

I I karsha or suvarna of the


2 cana


(     weight of 2 dirhams. •


4 suvarna


I po-Za.


4 pala


I kudava.


4 kudava


I prastha.


4 prastha


I ddhaka.


4 ddhaka


I drona.


2 drona


1 surpa.


2 s4rpa


I j^'area (?)."

The weight j?a/a is much used in all the business
dealings of the Hindus, but it is different for different
wares and in different provinces. According to some,
I pala = yV mand; according to others, i pala = 14
mithkdl; but the m-and is not equal to 210 mithkdl.
According to others, i pala — 16 mithkdl, but the
mand is not equal to 240 mithkdl. According to others,
I pala =15 dirham, but the mand is not equal to 225
dirham. In reality, however, the relation between the
pala and the mand is different.

Further, Atreya says: " i ddhaka = 64 pcda = 128 Page:
dirham = i rati. But if the audi is equal to ^ ddnak,
one suvarna contains 64 ancli, and then a dirham has
32 ancli, which, as each ancli is equal to ^ ddnak, are
equal to 4 ddnak. The double amount of it is i-J- dir¬
ham " (sic).

Such are the results when people, instead of trans¬
lating, indulge in wild conjecture and mingle together
different theories in an uncritical manner.
  Page 163