202 ALBERUNPS INDIA. appear as red. The descent towards Tibet and China is less than one farsakh.''^ From Kanoj Marching from Kanoj towards the south-east, on the western side of the Ganges, you come to the realm of Page 99. Jajdhuti, ■^o farsakh irovci Kanoj. The capital of the country is Kajurdha. Between this town and Kanoj there are two of the most famous fortresses of India, Gwaliyar (Gw^alior) and Kalanjar. Dahdla [—farsakli], a country the capital of which is Tiauri, and the ruler of which is now Gangeya. The realm of Kannakara, 20 farsakh. Apsilr, Bana- vds, on the sea-coast. From Kanoj Marching from Kanoj towards the south-west, you come to A si, vS farsakh from Kanoj; Sahanyd, ly far¬ sakh; Jandrd, i^ farsakh; Bdjauri, i^ farsakh; Bazdna, the capital of Guzarat, 20 farsakh. This town is called Ndrdyan by our people. After it had fallen into decay the inhabitants migrated to_another place called Jadiira (?). From Ma- The distaucc between Mahura and Kanoj is the same DhL." as that between-]Ka&©j- and Bazana, viz. 28 farsakh. If a man travels from Mahlira to Ujain, he passes through villages which are only five farsakh and less dis¬ tant from each other. At the end of a march of 35 far¬ sakh, he comes to a large village c^led D'ddalii ; thence to Bctmahur, ly farsakh from Diidahi; Bhdilsdn, 5 far¬ sakh, a place most famous among the Hindus. The name of the town is identical with that of the idol wor¬ shipped there. Thence to Ardin, gfarsakh. Theidoi worshipped there is called Mahakdla,. Dhdr, y farsakh. FromBa- Marching from Bazana southward, you come to Mai- Mandagir. wdr, 2^ favscikh from Bazana, This is a kingdom the capital of which is Jattaraur. From this town to Malava and its capital, Dhdr, the distance is 20 farsakh. The city of Ujain lies 7 farsakh to the east of Dhdr. From Ujain to Bhailasan, which likewise belongs to Malava, the distance is 10 farsakh.