Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 1)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 261  

CHAPTER XXV.                            261

face towards the west, as we see it here on our left
side (sic).

The river Sarsati falls into the sea at the distance of various
a bowshot east of Somanath.                                                uJdia."

The river Jaun joins the Ganges below Kanoj, which
lies west of it. The united stream falls into the great
ocean near Gahgasagara.

Between the mouths of the rivers Sarsati and Ganges
is the mouth of the river Narmada, which descends
from the eastern mountains, takes its course in a south¬
western direction, and falls into the sea near the town
Bahroj, nearly sixty yojana east of Somanath.

Behind the Ganges flow the rivers Rahab and Ka-
wini, which join the river Sarwa near the city of Bari.

The Hindus believe that the Ganges in ancient times
flowed in Paradise, and we shall relate at a subsequent
opportunity how it happened to come down upon

The Matsya-Burdna says:  "After the Ganges had Quotation

.        '.    ,           .             .                                               from

settled on earth, it divided itself into seven arms, the Matsya-
middle of which is  the main  stream,  known  as the p    "^ \
Ganges.     Three   flowed   eastward,  Nalini,   Hradini,
and Pavani, and three westward,  Sita,   Cakshu,  and

The river Sita rises in the Himavant, and flows
through these countries : Salila, Karstuba, Cina, Var-
vara, Yavasa (?), Baha, Pushkara, Kulata, Mangala,
Kavara, and Sahgavanta (?) ; then it falls into the
western ocean.

South of Sita flows the river Cakshus, which irrigates
the countries Cina, Maru, Kalika (?), Dhhlika (?), Tuk-
hara, Barbara, Kaca (?), Palhava, and Barwancat.

The river Sindh flows through the countries Sindhu,
Darada, Zindutunda (?), Gandhara, Riirasa (?), Kriira (?),
Sivapaura, IndramarUj Sabati (?), Saindhava, Kubata,

Bahimarvara, Mara, Mruna, and Sukurdar- jC/,f

The river Ganges, which is the middle and main
  Page 261