Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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^        ALBEEUNI'S   INDIA.




The eras serve to fix certain moments of time which are rage 203.
mentioned in some historical or astronomical connection, tion of some
The Hindus do not consider it wearisome to reckon with of the Hin-
huge numbers, but rather enjoy it.    Still, in practical
use, they are  compelled to replace them by smaller
(more handy) ones.

Of their eras we mention—

1.   The beginning of the existence of Brahman.

2.   The beginning of the day of the present nych-
themeron of Brahman, i.e. the beginning of the kalpa.

3.   The beginning of the seventh Tnanvanta.ra, in
which we are now.

4.   The beginning of the twenty-eighth caturyuga, in
which we are now.

5.   The beginning of the fourth yuga of the present
caturyuga, called kalikdla, i.e. the time of Kali. The
whole yuga is called after him, though, accurately
speaking, Ms time falls only in the last part of the
yuga. Notwithstanding, the Hindus mean by kalikdla
the beginning of the kaliyuga.

6.   Pdndava-kdla, i.e. the time of the life and the wars
of Bharata.

All these eras vie with each other in antiquity, the
VOL. II.                                                                        A
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