Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 24  


How many
solar, lunar,
and civil
days are re¬
quired for
the forma¬
tion of an

The compu¬
tation of
to Pulisa.
Page 215.

lunar months is represented by these supernumerary
months, by which a single year is extended to thirteen
months. These, therefore, are the universal ccdhimdsa

. The universal solar months of a kcdpa are 51,840,
000,000 ; the universal lunar months of a kalpta are
53,433,300,000. The difference between them or the
adhimdsa, months is 1,593,300,000.

Multiplying each of these numbers by 30, we get
days, viz. solar days of a kalpa, 1,555,200,000,000;
lunar days, i ,602,999,000,000 ; the days of the adhimdsa
months, 47,799,000,000.

In order to reduce these numbers to smaller ones
we divide them by a common divisor, viz. 9,000,000.
Thus we get as the sum of the days of the solar months
172,800 ; as the sum of the days of the lunar months,
178,111 ; and as the sum of the days of the adhimdsa
months, 53ii.

If we further divide the universal solar, civil, and
lunar days of a kalpa, each kind of them separately, by
the universal adhimdsa months, the quotient represents
the number of days within which a whole adhimdsa
month sums up, viz. in 976^%\*y solar days, in 1006J^^r^--^-^
lunar days, and in 990y|^||| civil days.

This whole computation rests on the measures which
Brahmagupta adopts regarding a kalp)a and the star-
cycles in a kalpa.

According to the theory of Pulisa regarding the
caturyuga, a caturyuga has 51,840,000 solar months,
53,433,336 lunar months, 1,593,336 adhimdsa months.
Accordingly a caturyuga has 1,555,200,000 solar days,
1,603,000,080 lunar days, 47,800,080 days of adhimdsa

If we reduce the numbers of the months by the
common divisor of 24, we get 2,160,000 solar months,
2,226,389 lunar months, 66,389 adhimdsa months. If
we  divide the numbers of the day by the  common
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