Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 57  

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If we know the number of cycles of the planets in a General
kalpct or caturyuga, and further know how many cycles the deter-
have  elapsed at a certain moment  of time, we  also the mean
know that the sum-total of the days of the kalpct or planet at
ccduryuga stands in the same relation to the sum-total ti^e^^^ "
of the cycles as the past days of the kalpa or cctturyugct
to the corresponding amount of planetary cycles.    The
most generally used method is this :—

The past days of the kalpa or caturyuga are multi¬
plied by the cycles of the planet, or of its apsis, or of its
node which it describes in a kalpct or caturyugct. The
product is divided by the sum-total of the days of the
kctlpa or cctturyuga accordingly as you reckon by the
one or the other. The quotient represents complete
cycles. These, however, because not wanted, are dis¬

The remainder which you get by the division is mul¬
tiplied by 12, and the product is divided by the sum-
total of the days of either kalpa or caturyuga by which
we have already once divided. The quotient repre¬
sents signs of the ecliptic. The remainder of this divi¬
sion is multiplied by 30, and the product divided by
the same divisor. The quotient represents degrees.
The remainder of this division is multiplied by 60,
and is divided by the same divisor. The quotient
represents minutes.
  Page 57