Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Alberuni's India (v. 2)

(London :  Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.,  1910.)



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  Page 363  

ANNOTATIONS.                               363

anything but the anomalistic revolution is completely ex¬
cluded. Moreover, the number of the revolutions of the
apsis, 488,105,858, being augmented by 57,265,194,142, is
equal to 57,753,300,000, the number of sidereal revolu¬
tions ; an-d, indeed, the revolutions of the apsis, plus the
anomalistic revolutions, must be equal to the sidereal re¬
volutions (Schrctm).

P. 16.—The'note in the table "The anomalistic revolu¬
tion of the moon is here treated," &c., is not quite clear, and
probably materially incorrect. That the term j^\ ^.^[=>.
means the anomaly (dvwpaAta in Greek, kcu/lret (KevTpov)
in Sanskrit), was first pointed out to me by my friend and
colleague. Prof. Forster; but this note, which seems to be
intended as a sort of explanation of the term, does not
exactly render what astronomers understand by anouwly.
Literally translated it runs thus: "The Hdssat-alkamar
stands in the place of the ctp>sis, because the result is its
(whose ? the apsis' ?) share, since it (the lids sat-ctlkctmar)

is the difference between the two motions" (.^ .sc^ U ,."%

^y.'j^jc^\ ^xi t« f\J:^i J> (not S) ^\ S^'S.^:^ ic>^d'
Accordingly, we must translate the term as " falling to
the moon as her lot or share," viz., movement, in Arabic

.^sl\ £u\ l<.^\\.    Therefore,   in  the Arabic text,  pp.
f.l and  f'*? 8 write 'X.^\s>- instead of haXd*-.

P. 19.—Abu-alhasan of Ahwaz is mentioned only in
this place. He seems to have been a contemporary of
Alfazari and Ya'kub Ibn Tarik.

P. 20. Annus qjrocrastinationis.— Viele the author's
"Chronology" (English edition), p. 73. Metlamdset, in
Hindustani metlmds. Viele Dowson, "Hindustani Gram¬
mar," p. 258.

P. 21,1. 24.—A caturyuga or 4,320,000 solar years con¬
sists of 53,433,300 lunar months or 1,602,999,000 lunar
days; so one solar year has 371/13V lunar days, and the
difference between the solar and lunar days of a year is
I ifVV The proportion 360 lunar days: i if'^is days
= x  lunar   days:   30   days   gives for x  the  number of
  Page 363