List of Illustrations ........ xiii
Chronicle of some of the principal events in the life and times of
Fran5ois Bernier ........ xix
Bibliography of the writings of Fran9ois Bernier . . . xxv
Translation of Bernier's Dedication to King Louis XIV. of France,
from the 1670 Paris edition ...... xlv
Translation of Bernier's Address to the Reader, from the 1670
Paris edition . . ....... xlvii
An extract of a letter to Mr. //. O., from M. de Monceaux the
younger, from the 1671 London edition .... xlix
The History of the late Rebellion in the States of the Great
Mogol........... I
Remarkable occurrences after the War.....116
Letter to Monseigneur Colbert concerning Hindoustan . . 200
Letter to M. de la Mothe le Vayer, containing a description of
Dehli and Agra ........ 239
Letter to M. Chapelain describing the Gentiles of Hindoustan 300
Series of nine letters to M. de Merveilles, descriptive of a march
made with the Camp of the Emperor Aureng-Zebe to
Kachemire ......... 350