Bernier, François, Travels in the Mogul Empire A.D. 1656-1668

(Westminster, Eng. :  Constable,  1891.)



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  Page xxi  


Cfjnies 11. of EnglanB enters EonUon, 29!)) fHag 1660.

Is in Delhi, whence he dates his letter to M. de la Mothe le Vayer,

e p. 239.

At Delhi, Aurangzeb about to start for Kashmir.

At Lahore, Aurangzeb having arrived there.

After travelling in Kashmir, he voyages to Bengal with Tavernier,
who left Agra on the 25th November. On the 6th December they are at
Alum Chand, about eighteen miles west of Allahabad.

Tavernier and Bernier part company near Rajmahal. Bernier pro¬
ceeding to Kasimbazar (Tavernier's Travels. Edited by Dr. Ball,
London, 1889), afterwards travelling from Bengal to Masulipatam (see
my text, p. 113) and Golkonda, where he heard of the death of the Shah
Jahan (p. 198), which event happened on the 22d January 1666.

In this year he was still in Golkonda (text, p. 195), and it is probable
that in the early part of it he embarked at Surat, where he saw Chardin
the traveller, see page 312.

He is at Sheraz in Persia, see p. 300.

Is at Taduan near Sheraz, whence he addresses a letter to M.
Chapelain at Paris, received there on the 15th February 1669.

M. Chapelain addresses a letter on the 26th April from Paris to
Bernier at Marseilles.

Bernier is still at Marseilles, as would appear from a letter addressed
to him there,by M. Chapelain. It is probable that shortly after this
date he was in Paris arranging for the publication of his Travels.

Date of the French King's Licence for the printing and publishing
of his book.

The transfer of all his rights in the publication, to Claude Barbin,
is registered in the book of the Booksellers and Printeis of Paris.

3ames 11. succteBs to tije Croton d£ EnglanB, 6tf) jFcbtuatg 1685.

July 1st.


February 25tli.

December 6tli.

January 6tb.


October 4tli,

June 4tb,



April 25th.

August 13th

Visits England.
Dies at Paris.

Extrait du Registre des sepultures faites en teglise paroissiale de
St. Barthilemy a Paris de septembre 1677 a mars 1692.

Annee 1688.—Le jeudi vingt-troisieme septembre a ete inhume dans
cette eglise M'' Frangois Bernier, docteur en medecine de la Faculte
de Montpellier, age de soixante et treize ans, decede le vingt-deuxieme


September 22d.
  Page xxi