The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York

(New York :  Alumni Office,  1970.)



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*The Rev. Thomas McAuley, D.D., LL.D..................    1836-T840

*Richard Townley Haines....................    1840-1840

*The Rev. Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D., LL.D................=    1840-1840

♦Richard Townley Haines....................    1840-1870

*Charles Butler, LL.D......................    1870-1897

•John Crosby Brown, LL.D...............,.,,,    1898-1909

•Robert Curtis Ogden, LL.D., L.H.D.    .   .  ,..........    1909-1913

•William Morgan Kingsley, LL.D................    1913-1936

•Thatcher Magoun Brown....................    1936-1947

Benjamin Strong, LL.D......................    1947-1952

Benjamin Strong, LL.D......................1952-1961

Jolm Nichol Irwin II, LL.D...............,...,    1961-


•Zechariah Lewis........................    1836-1840

•Charles Butler, LL.D......................    1840-1870

•Norman White.........................    1870-1882

•William Earl Dodge......................    1882-1883

•John Crosby Brown, LL.D...................    1883-1898

*Daniel Willis James............,.........    1898-1907

•Morris Ketcham Jesup, LL.D..........,   .  o   .  .  ,   .  .    1907-1908

•Robert Curtis Ogden, LL.D., L.H.D..............    1908-1909

•William Morgan Kingsley, LL.D................    1911-1913

♦Edwin Muhlenberg Bulkley.................. .    1913-1936

•Lansing Parmelee Reed....................    1936-1937

George Van Santvoord, L.H.D., Litt. D.............    1938-1952

The Rev. Samuel McCrea Cavert, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.,

Litt.D., D.Theol.................    1948-1952

James Strange Alexander....................    1948-1952


George Van Santvoord, L.H.D., Litt.D..............    1952-1955

The Rev. Samuel McCrea Cavert, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.,

Litt.D., D.Theol.................    1952-1967

James Strange Alexander....................    1952-1954

Thomas McCance........................    1954-1959

David Hunter McAlpin........,.,,..........    1955-

John Nichol Irwin n, LL.D....................    1959-1961

The Rev. William Clarence Schram, D.D..................    1966-
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