A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 450  

[ 209 i}                       22 July 1570—22 July 1571.             W-s^^es. | J^«//^; ]

EJie   UoU   cfta^rfles   of   Sft;*fHolJ>
iDldtrJi  toa^s m^ttt  flagitste  tfie
Queues   maiestie   mm  to Sir

SThontass QmmMm p^ of SJammtif 1570 p ^. 1571]

as   yt   apereth   by   the Renters boke      .....        iij^^   iiij^  x


[Two entries o?nitted.]

All the foresayd Implementes pertayninge or belongnynge to this howse with the

some of------------John Judson and Wylliam norton then Wardens for the yere

paste 1571 hath delyvered in the presens of master Seres then master / for the
yere folowynge master wolf / master Cawod / master Wally / master Tottle —
to master Daye and master Toye then wardens for the yere folowynge

]V1emokandum yat is to say in monye the some of                               ----------------

an oblygation of master Cawod......        xl^^

an oblygation of master Irelonde......        xx^*

in the handes of John ffayreberne......         iij"

SUME  TOTALIS          -------------------


William Seres.            Sicest Jhon Daye^

Reginalde tFolffe.          Humfry Toye)

John caicood
John Waley
Rycharde Tottyll

[Here   end  the detailed   annual   Wardens^   Accounts   of  the   Company   contained

in this Book.    There is noio a gap betiveen the 22nd July 1671 and the 20th

July   1576;   all our  knoioledge  of  tvhich  period  ivill   be. found on  the

foUoiving pp, 451—474.     The details  of the  Company's transactions

are then resumed in their fidness in Register B; of which hoivever

the annual audited summary Abstracts are contained in

this Volume dozen to as late as the 2nd August

1596.     So   that to that extent  this

Register overlaps the period

of   the   next.]

I. 450
  Page 450