A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 451  

[ H. T^-.! W' s^'^^-              22 July 1571—22 July] 1572/                       [ 210 ]

"""'mll/r   ®ft^ ^Kt0m»U of Sofin

ntatsfetr 5iate    Bate ^nUf  finwfreg  Eoge
""^waS^ns   toarHens of tde Cowijanse

of tfie Stairiowcv'S of all sudie somes of wonea
ass Itatli eomitte to tiuix Mntfm tVotn tHe f:pi
Jraie of StUie 1571 tiutitl the »'()«' trate of Stage
1572 (btf) fot: one iohole gere as foUoi»etfi

Meceiteis /

Imprimis In redie money beinge the stocke of the hall          .       —---------------------

Keceaved of master Cawoode in parte of payment of his Dett

Due by obligacon       ........          xx^^

Heceaved of master Irelande In parte of payment of his dett

due by Obligacon        ........            x" /

Receaved of John ffeirebarne in parte of payment of his dett

due by obligacon         ........                    xxx® /

Received in redye money of the Renters for quarteuedge,

Rentes and such like over and above their Allowaunces      .           xj^^     iiij®     ijd

[Bj ^ Allowances ^ we are apparently to understand fclie stated and ordinary
petty disbursements which were made by the Renters ; and deducted from
their receipts, before paying their annual balance to the Under Warden.    So
that these amounts are no absolute criterion of the prosperity of the Company.]
Received for Lycenced  coppies as doth appeare by the
Register in the Clarkes booke      ......

[This Book, kept by George Wapull the clerk, is now lost.]
Received for presentmentes of prentizes

[As the inroUment fee was still 6d. up to 21st January 1578, see II. 82 ;
Twenty-seven Apprentices were presented this year.]
Received for makeinge of ffremen and bretherene

[The fee for the making of a freeman being still the Half-JSToble ; and that
for admitting of a brother, the Half-Crown : all that can be said is that the
Freemen and Brethren of this year's creation could not have exceeded 18.]

Received for fyjstes for breakeinge of orders
Received for the hall lettinge    .        .        .
Received for the benevolences towardes the buildinge of the
kytchinne and other necessaries ......

Received for the benevolence of settinge forth of xxij men for

the '^ shewe at Grenewige on maie dale before ye quene 1572        xix^^   xvij^     xd

humfry Toye

[The Under Warden appears to have kept the Accounts of the Company from this date onwai-d.]
[* Stow's account of this Show—which was the wind-up of a five-weeks' drill—is as follows :~
The fine and twenty and sixe and twenty of March [1572]. by the commandement of the queenes maiesty
her counsell, the citizens of London assembling at their seuerall hals, the maisters chose out the moste likely
and actiue persons of euery their companies, to the number of three thousand, whom they appointed to be
pikemen and shot. The pikemen were foorth with armed in faire corslets and other furniture, according
thereunto : the gunners had euery of them his caliuer, with the furniture, and murrians [morions] on

their heads.....   On May day [1572] they mustred at Creenewich before the queenes maiesty, where

they shewed many warlike feates, but were hindered by the weather, which was all day showring.   They
returned that night to London, and were discharged on the next moiTow.   p. 1136, J^Jcl. 1600.]

I. 451









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