A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 35  

[9 August 1596—28 April 1603]
[Occasional Notes.]

9 i^ttgusti 1596^   38 ®U|ai>etfi[«]

Deliuered in full Court to the master and Wardens The cities bill
vnder their seale for xP^ Lent in marche [1596] last toward the
shippes ..... 40^^ repaiable 28 marcij 1597
That money after x in the ye C [100] was provided And is payable
to master Coldocke 29 martij [1597] proximo . . . 44^^
MEMORANDUM master Bing^e and master Dawson are bound to master
Coldocke in C^^ [£100 or ? 100] markes to pay it at his house
29 marcij 1597 per obligacionem Datum 27 martij [1596] Anno 38
Elizabeth [ce]

And the corporacon of Stacioners is bound to master Binge in C^^
[£100] by obligation Dated 3 Augusti [1596] Anno 38 to save him
harmeles against master Coldock And to pay the money at the Day /
The bond was sealed with the common seale 9 Augusti 1596
And then master Dawson layd vp the bill vnder the cities seale for
the xP / he hath put yt in the till of the chest where the plate and
Evidences \i. e. title deeds Sfc.'] be kept

Ordered that xP to make vp the xl^ remayning in the house
Ixxx^ shallbe taken vp at Interest, and Lent to the cyty for 4
monethes according to the precept

[The following provisional entries on this and the next page are but evidence of the
unsettled state of affairs in London through the change of dynasty, until King James

[?^pva 1603]

This booke folowinge is not to be entred to any but hym

A Discoiierye of the vnnaturall and trayterous Conspiracie of Scottishe
papistes  against  GOB his  church their  natiue   Cuntrey  the  Kynges
maiesties person and estate   printed at Edinburgh 1592.

25 %pxiMl^ [X603]

This book is not to be entred to any bat hym, nor to hym neither
vnles he bring my Lord graces [of Canterbury] hand or my Lord
of LoNDONs hand, for Aucthoritie r>i% A book called Englandes
Moarninge garment Wbrne here by playne shepeheardes in memory of
their sacred mystres Elizabets queue of Vertue while she lyved and
Theame of sorowe beinge dead. To which is added the true maner of
her ymperiall funerall after which folowith The 8hepherdes spring songe
of enterteynement of king James ^c     .        .        .        .        vj^ w

[ This w is evidently the initial of S. Waterson, the warden who hcensed the publica¬
tions so distinguished.]

■~2^ %ptiM [1603]

Thomas mylling- The proceding at the funerall of the high and mightie Pryncesse
Elizabeth quene of England Ffraunce Ireland from the palace of
Westminster called Whitehall to the cathedrall church of Westminster
28. Aprilis 1603 [.]    not to be printed without Authority      vj^ w

III. 35

Thomas Snod-

Thomas Milling-

[See II., 836.]

  Page 35