A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 36  

[ 15 April—31 May 1603
[ Provisional Registrations. ]

. Bishop. I g'

T. Man.         1

Waterson. J

Edward venge

per token from
master man

18 i^^vilts [1603]

This copie to be entred to nonne but him yf he gett Aucthority
for yt. viz A thinge in verse called A godly and present Remedy
Against the plag\ji\e bothe of body and soule with A Dolefull songe
vppon the death of Qeorge Bulwyn late executed at Sainct Thomas
Watering           .........        vj*

15  %^xi\i^ [1603]

This booke to be entred for his copie yf he gett Aucthoritie for yt
An elegie vppon the deathe of the highe renowmed pryncesse our late
souereigne Lady Elizabeth          .       .        .       .        .       vj^ w

16  ^iJvats [1603]

William ffirhrand Entred for his copye. A thinge called Ave C[_A~\ESAR. GOB save the

John Deane.



yf he can get yt aucthorised

Master Leake

per token from
master Man

William aspley

Henry Gosson

This to be entred to hym yf he can gett Aucthority for yt A poetes
vision and A prynces glory. Dedicated to the highe and mighty King
James king of England Scotland Ffrance and Ireland

\2 \mii [1603]

The speache Delyuered to his maiestie when the Shl/lriues mett his
highnes, Delyuered in the name of the whole citie / ys not to be entred
to any but to william Aspley when he hath authority for it.

18 mMi [X603]

A booke called A ivarninge peece to bribers is to be staled and not
entred to any but hym when he hathe Aucthority for it /

Siltiino ntatj [1603]

Edward veng[e] he hath Clement knightes consent as he saieth and would haue
entred for his copy, having master mans consent without his hand
to yt as he sayeth bycause it is a trifling thing a book called
GODs decree or here\_di\tary right wrytten by Andrews Leechio

William white. The E[a]rle of EsSEX going to Oaks [i. e. Cadiz] a ballad to be stayed
for him   [It] begyns gallantes 8^c

III. 36
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