A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 44  

[ Grant by James I. to the Stationers  Company.     ^lu^strauve Documents, j

said master and keepers or wardens and Comynaltye of the mystery or Arte of Stacyoners
of the Cytty of London and theire successors, That the said master Wardens and
Assistantes of the said Corporacon for the tyme beinge or the greater parte of them
whereof the master of the said Corporation for the tyme beinge to be one shall have full
and free lycence power and aucthoritye to constitute ord«yne and make from tyme to
tyme suche reasonable lavves ordynances and constytucons as to them or the greater
parte of them whereof the master of the saide Corporacon for the tyme beinge to be one
shall deem a good profiy table honest and necessary accordynge to theire discrecons for
the good gouermente and direccon of the saide master and keepers or wardens and
Comynaliy and of theire successors in aboute or concernynge the due execucon of theis
our letters Patentes. And that the said master wardens and Assystantes for the tyme beinge
and theire successors or the greatest parte of them (whereof the master of the said
Corporacon for the tyme to be one) so often as they shall constitute ordeyne and make
any such lawes constytucons and ordynaunces as is aforesaid shall and maye impose
assesse ordeyne and provyde suche paynes punyshmentes and penalties by imprisonement'
of body or by fynes and amercementes or by either of them vpon all such as shall ofiende
agaynste such lawes ordynances and constitucons or any of them as to the said master
wardens and assistantes and theire successors for the tyme beinge or the greater parte
of them (whereof the master of the saide Corporacon for the tyme beinge to be one)
shall seeme necessary and conuenyente for the observacon of the saide lawes ordynances
and constitucons. And the same fynes and amerciementes from tyme to tyme and at all
tymes hereafter shall and may levy take and have to the vse and behoofe of the said
master and keepers or wardens and Comynaltye and of theire successors, withowte
impedymente of vs oure heires or successors and withoute anye accoumpte therefore to
vs oure heires and successors to be procured or made, All and singuler "which lawes
ordynaunces and constitucons so as aforesaid to be made We will to be observed vnder
the paynes therein to be conteyned So alwayes that the said lawes ordinaunces and
constytucons be examyned and approved by the Chauncellor of Englande Threasurer of
Englande and cheife Justices of either Benches of vs oure heires and Successors for the
tyme beinge or any three of them and be not contrarye or repugnante to the lawes
Statutes rightes or customes of oure Eealme of Englande, nor contrary to a decree
touchinge Printers and Booksellers made in the Courte of Starre Chamber the three
and twentieth Daye of June in the eighte and tv^^entith yere of the raigne of Elizabeth
late Queen of Englande, And for the avoiding of all confusvon which may happen in and
concerning the premisses oure will and pleasure ys and by theis presentes for vs
oure heires and successors we do will and graunte that the government order and
direction of all affaires matters and thinges concernynge the execucon of this oure
graunte and priviledge shall from tyme to tyme and at all tymes for ever remayne
wholly and fyrmelie in the master wardens and assistantes of the mystery or arte of
Stacioners of the Citty of London and of their successors or of the greater parte of
them (whereof the master of the said Corporacon for the tyme beinge to be one)
Although expresse mencon &c.

In Witnes whereof &c. Teste Rege apud Hatfeild xxix die Octobris [1603]

per hreue de priuate sigillo. 1

[ Patent Roll 1. Jacohi. {No. 1619) Part 13. (9—11 or 32—30). ]

III. 44
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