A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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.29 July—12 August] 1595./.           [ f. ooidock. j ?:-.feon. J

Anno S?"" Beyni Beyin[_a~]e Mizabeth[_cB'].l,

y:ii:iy:^ trie SttUj*/

Abell JefFes./. Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h] andes of bothe the wardens a
booke entituled Lancaster his AUaromes beinge a moste true
discourse of his moste valiant and hardye assaulte and conqueste of the
fortes   and   store   howses   belonginge   to   FFARBINAND   Backe in



):^p trie %vMUi. [1593]

AheU Jeifes./. Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h]andes of bothe the wardens a
booke intituled a worlde of wonders / a masse of murthers and a
Covye of Consenages Master Beestons hande beinge likewise
at it..........vj*./.

W. Blackwall. Entred for his copie vnder the handes of master Murgetrod and the
Wardens, a .Studentis lamentacion that hath in London ben sometymes
Apprentise, for the vnruly tumults in that citye Lately
happeninge        .........        vj


9 ituatt^ti

William Leeke Entred for his copie vnder th[e h] andes of master Jaxon. [or
Jackson] and the Wardens. A sermon, intitled GODs generall
sommo7is to his Last parlanient, by George Phillips .        .        vj*

)ri|^ trie %Vi^mii

William Leake / Entred for his copie vnder the wardens handes Neives out of Vienna
in Austria Anno 1595 the 17 of June in what sorte fferdinandvs
Erie of Rarbeck beinge generall of the stronge Cittye of Baab in
[B.]vngaria with his Colonel Berlin which was Captayne over the
Italian Souldiers tvere both at Vienna before the Emperours Castell
brought before the bar re, and for their treasons and deliuery of the said
Gyttie of Baab into the Turkes possession found g\u\iltye, had Judgement

and were executed
III. 46

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