A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 128  


7—23 October] 1598        [ R. Newbery.I^^i-,?,Uy. ]
Anno XL^"" Elizaheth{m\


This copie was
entred to the
same man by the
same aucthoritie
the xxj of august
[1598] last, and
therefore this is
noe entrance

[See pp. 124 and

EntrM for his coVie vnder tl^ handes omnaster Jo hA Jegon. master
Samu:^l Harsn:^t / and B^the the wardens, a bo^ke intituled
Gemma\pABRi QuaXacri biblij fmrgaritce nmi sigillatim, sisd summatum
fere omn\ Continenmr methodoSAnalitica e\ versu AlphaH^tico, ita vt
analysis lih^orum serimi, liter[a1e\nitiales, camtum ordinem\'eliqu[a']e
eorundem iTmicent argim^ntum, quwus mente eKmemoria convl^

quod anno vnAfacilepote}^ fieri bonu\euadas text\ilis, 8fc



17 ®i;toiii?(^ [1598]

IVEaster Binge
IVEaster Ponson¬
bye   Wardens.

Entred for their copie vnder the handes of the lord Bysshop of
London, and Master Doctor Binge Deane of the Arches: a booke
to be translated out of Ffrenche into English and so to be printed.
Called in French De L^institution, vsage, et Doctrine, Du Saint
Sacrament De L'eucharistie Du Veglise AnciennCj Ensemble Comment
Quand, et per quels degree La messe S^est introduyte en sa place. />vj*

23 uUhvi^

master Ponsonhy  Entred for his copye / vnder the hand  of master Binge.  A book
warden               Called.   ASTROPHELL  and   STELLA  wrytten by the   most  noble

[See II., 295 and knight Sir Philip Sydney
^^^•^                  III, 128

  Page 128