A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 478  

[ 216 tl ]

1611. [i. e. 15-

-26 February 1612
9"° Regis.


I5to ^tiixnutiU

Edward Blunte. Entred for his Copy vnder th'[hjandes of Sir George Buc[ke] and
Th'wardens, A play booke beinge a Trageoomedye called, The
Noble man written by Cyrill Tourneur  .        .        .        .        yj*.

Edward Blunte. Entred for his Copy Tnder th[e hjandes of Sir Gteorge B.uo[ke]
and Th[eJ wardens A tragedye called, The Twynnes tragedye, written

by [RichardJ Niccolls


Roger Barnes.

[See p. 157.]

[First printed in

[See p. 533.]

John Wrighte.

Ambrose Gar-
[See p. 441.]

17«^^ SFt%xx^tixiS. [16X2]

Assigned ouer to him from Edmund IVEattes with consent of the
wardens vnder their handwritinge, these 2 Copyes foUowinge  xij*

The Spanishe Mandeuyle of miracles, or the garden of
Curious flowers ^c

Ktl^ Alcilla[^ Beiloearteens louinge folly e

Provyded that if Master Mattes do pay to JVIaster
Barnes xxv^ att or before Whitsunday nexte [31 ]\lay
1611 J, then IMaster Barnes to assigne these Copyes
backe agayne to IMaster Mattes /

18«^ iFeiitttani^

Entred for his Copy vnder th[e hjandes of the wardens, A booke to
be printed when it is further aucthorised, called, A Crowne garland of
golden roses, gathered out of Englandes royall garden, beinge the lyues
and straunge fortunes of many greate personnages of this land, sett
forthe in many pleasante newe songes and sonnettes by Eichard
Johnson..........vj* /.

Received of him for tVentrance of a booke concerninge Mall
Gutpurse  ..........        vj* /.

2\^^ ffthxvi^xii

Master Welbye. Entred for his Copy vnder th[e hjandes of Sir Thomas Smithe
knighte and IMaster Lownes warden, A booke or thinge called. The
publicacon of the lotary [i. e. lotteryj for Virginia        .        .        vf /.

26t^ iFefirimrif

Master Boyle. Entred for his Copy vnder th [e hJ andes of my Lord Bysshopp of
London and Th[eJwardens A booke called, A theologicall and
Bhilosophicall treatise of the nature and goodnes of salte 8^c    .        vj*

III. 478
  Page 478