Gilchrist, John Borthwick, The Hindee moral preceptor (v. 2)

(London :  Black, Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen,  1821.)



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hindee-persic and english

the reader will readily find every word required in the following sheets, by
previously consulting the introductory pages to this part of the work.

u.        yw.

u- this, in, im, ir, dis, mis, -less;
o! -u ed, d, en, n, al, man,
ess, V. guide, page 9.

wu uUimity, remoteness, v. wa, ya,
&c. hy, he, she, it, and.

yu   denotes proximity.

hu breathe, be, v, g. p. 27.

wuh or wooh q. v. -een. just there.

wuh- that, -all- -there -kuheen
-abouts, -se thence,  -ee that very.

yvikthis, -^n-here, ke- chez, 's, -ku¬
heen, -abouts, -se, hence, -tuk to
this degree, v. an.

a come thou! having come, be, hap¬
pen, &;c. 0! -na to- -o come you!
-a- a, to, &c. -a, male, he, y, ly,
th, o! ed, en, v. g. p. 12. a, or a,
arable fern, particle.

an that, -an, -s, th, ere, place, state,
degree, g. p. 14,

wan there, th, adj. particle, g. p. 19.

wa, he, she, it, that, wa, open, man,
er, little, again, back, oh! -wuela,
alas! chushm- eyed, staring.

ya he, she, it, this, o ! oh! or, either,
euphonic a for ed, &c, v. a. g. p.
13 and 26.

wah alas! fy ! -wah, bravo ! capi¬
tal! he, 'i, to him, ^c.

ha  y,  s, V. g. p. 29.

ban yeSf indeed, here, u-. no, nay.
-heen, assent.

ah/, sigh, alas! -bh, -m. to- -i surd,
deep- -o zaree, lamentation.

anw mucus, slime.

awa kiln, -tee or- ee, coming, arri¬
val, report, saddle-cloth, -jaiCe,
coming and going, dancing after.

aya well! ho ! coming, v, ayut, verse
of the qooran.

yawa nonsense, -go, babbler, -ee.

h.        oon.

ha  ha, flattery, importunity,-k. to

wheedle,   alas ! laughing, -hee hee

and giggling.
haw, ha,o blandishment, v. bna,o.
ha^e, alas!   -wa^e, alas !   alas! do-

and ti-  mercy! mercy!
iya affix or particle of agency.
uhya pi. of huey life, the living.
huyuj hiya Ife. v. hee.
huyay. shame, modesty, sahib- be-

ba- -dar^ -kooshtu very bashful.
huwa /, air, wind, desire, lust, -ee,

rocket, windy, -dar, -y, -ee, -ness,

-d. to- kh, take, q. V.
huwwa adam's wife, eve.
huowa TO. bugbear,
ahoo deer, fault, -chushm, v. eye.
ayoo f. age. ayoorda, ayoorbul.
wahee absurd, -at, -ities, -tubahee,
fiddle-faddle, nonsense.
wuhee revelation, v. wuh.
o, o ! and, he, she, it, pi. voc. S^ imp.

particle, v. a. -ra, him, her, or to-
-on  s,   kitab-on,   books, burs -on,

years, v. g p. 15,
won or woon. q. v.
wo for woDh, he, §ic.
yo this. V. ya, ye.
ho are, be, may be, perhaps, be it so,

yes, ho !- to ho, viay be so, -e or

-we, may be, -ta -ing, -ga will-
hon for ho,en, howen, we, or they,

may be.
00- that, 's, of, priv. particle, co-hoon,

no. V. g. p. 15.
ooh or ooh, oh ! ooh-ooh, oh dear I
wooh  he,   she,   it,   that,   -ee,   the

same, -een, that instant.
-oo ly, an, ed, er, v. g. p. 16, often

used for ee q. v.
-oon aorist particle, mode, Sec that.
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