Annual statement for the year ending Dec. 31 ... of the condition and affairs of the American Surety Company of New York

(New York :  American Surety Company of New York  )



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  1915: Page 7  


notice was received at the home office on (

before the close of business December 31, been truthfully

show the condition of the company as shown by the books, records and data at the

before December 31 but of which

1.    Have all the, transactions of the company of which notice »

and accurately entered on its books ?   Answer     '^'"

2.    Except as shown in the next succeeding question, does this

home ofiice at the close of business December 31 ? Answer     ^f

3.    Have there been included in this statement proper reserves to cover liabilities which may have been actually incurred

no notice was received at the homeoffico until subsequently ?    Answer     Vf*

4.    Gross premiums (less reinsurance and return premiums) received from organization of company, $ *3.355.3lS.73

5.    Total losses per statemant of last year plus net losses paid per page 3, line 17,  *     0™= 119.315.15036  1.055 aiivu-e  (S,i68,i;s.o5  n

6.    Total dividends declared from organization ot Company,  viz.:   cash,  f  8.7»7..wi>.™                                 ; Stock, f         '■■'""'

7.    Total amount of  the company's stock owned by the directors at par value, $     1 .m 7.SS"-'"

S.   What interest, direct or indirect, has this company in the capital stock of any other insurance company? Ansuier        '■".■'''

■r indirectly by any other corporation ? Answer

Total amount loaned to the directors or 1
Does any officer, director or trustee re
Give the largest Gross Amount insured ir

; Loaned to stockholders not officers,  $     ^"o""
business of the company ?    Answer         ^"
each of the following classes (without deduction fur reinsurance) :

Liability,        $                           ; Workmen's compensation     $

Plate glass,    J..    . _......         : Steam boiler,                        S

Sprinkler,       $                           ; Title,                                   S

mSTc'         i                           ; Live Stock,                          S

the following classes:

Workmen s compensation    $

Steam boiler,                       $

•ntle,                                   3

Live Stock,                          S

Has this company reinsured any risk with any other company and agreed to release such company from liability, in whole or in part, from a:
occur on the risk, or portion thereof, reinsiued?   Answer     "o

If so, give full information       in lomecaaes ImmirMie. are requlreil 011.1 »r liiveanauufniints wilh other mmpauits 10 join us m. as to coniplv. \a nliieli evtnt n

Accident,  $

; Health,

Fidelity,    f

s«. 0™.™       ; Surety,

BnTilan airi   g

; Credit,

Fly wheel, J

; P°^\X^'

e the largest KE

T Amount insured in an

Accident.  £

; Health,

Fidelity,    J

iso.ooD.oo       : Surety,

-S,"' »

; Credit,

Fly wheel, $

;   it'f!^

.    Has this company guaranteed

If so, give full information      ......

What provision has this company made to protect itself from
pensation contract issued without limit or loss ?   Answer

issued by any other company and now in force?   Anstver

catastrophe under an employer's liability 01

25.    Were all the stocks, bonds and other securitiesowned December 31, 1915, in the aitual possession of th
of special and other deposits?   Anmser        vm; e<repi»seipiiiiiifi Mo«-
If not, give full and complete information relating thereto        fi."<u tkil.l TiMs.irvRon.lsol ilie i

laid date, except as shown by the schedules

27.    State if an examination of this Company's affairs has been conducted during the year of thisslatement by any insurance department.   If so, by what df

ment.      Answer                '^''.         . .                          [nsurance DeiHrliii,=iils of St»- York 11.1I Ma.yl.nrf           .....                                                        .......

28.    Has any change been made during the year of this statement in the charter, article of incorporation, or deed of settlement of the company?   Answer..

If not previouly filed, furnish herewith a certified copy ot the instrument as amended.
United States Branches of foreign companies only nied answer.

29.    What changes have been made during the year in the United States Manager or the United StatesTrustees of the company?  Answer...........................

(b)  risks wherever located accepted from companies of the United States as

(c)  risks located in the United Stated accepted from companies of foreign counties as reinsurai
31.   What officials and heads of departments of the company supervised the making of this report?

s exceptions in full

not, state exceptions in full






Workmen's compensation.


Plate glass.
Steam boiler.
Burglary and theft,
Sprinkler,    .


Fly wheel,   .
Auto, and teams property
Workmen's Collective,
Live Stock,

' °,™E"'.";;ti"s;;"

tOrosa Losses Paid
























































State of New York
County of New York


being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are the above-described officers of the said company, and that on the thirty-first day of December
last, al! of the above-described assets were the absolute property of the said company, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as above
stated, and that the foregoing statements, with the schedules and explanations therein contained, annexed or referred to. are a full and correct eshibit of all the
assets, liabilities, income and disbursements and ot the condition and affairs of the said company on the said thirty-first day of December last and for the year
ending on that date, according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief respectively.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this                               "I


, 1916.
  1915: Page 7