Annual report of the Board of Directors to the stockholders at their annual meeting ...

([New York] :  The Edision Electric Illuminating Co. of New York  )



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  1890: Page 16  


Company ; Eighth avenue, and a considerable extension
of the system on Madison avenue and on the cross
streets, so that most of the profitable streets up town are
now covered. The development of residence lighting
has, however, scarcely more than begun.

Wiring Department.

The Wiring Department, which does the work of
house installation, and has hitherto done house repair
work also, is rather an auxiliary than an essential part
of the Company's business, but in the present stage of the
business of electric lighting it is almost a necessity.
This department within the past year has done a large
business, handling in that period 2894 new installations
or repair jobs, and has become self-supporting and

This department has accomplished much noteworthy
and creditable work during the year, particularly in the
installations at the great Madison Square Garden, at the
Manhattan Club, and in similar important buildings,and
it is developing a considerable field in what may be called
decorative lighting, as at recent entertainments at Del-
monico's, Sherry's, and in fashionable private houses. The
department now does a large share of the house instal¬
lation work done in New York city, for connection both
with station current and with isolated plants. The pres¬
ent policy of the Company is to require this department
to make its estimates on an economical basis sufficiently
above cost to cover a fair commercial profit, so that an
intending customer for current may be fairly treated
without making it impossible for other wiring contrac¬
tors to obtain their fair share of business. This basis of
fair business competition permits the development of
other wiring concerns within the city, so that the busi¬
ness of electric light installation may, like that of plac¬
ing gas piping, become ultimately an independent busi¬
ness, part of the usual construction work of a new house,
thus leading to a corresponding development of the
business of supplying current.

The separate organization of the Canvassing and In¬
spection Divisions under the direct oversight of the
General  Office,  has relieved  this department  of   con-
  1890: Page 16