Annual report of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New-York to its policy holders

(New York :  Mutual Life Insurance Company of New-York  )



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  23rd (1866): Page 68 [i.e. 72]  



Special  Notice.

§ ,"^HE following rules and usages of the Com-
f-^ pany, estabUshed by the Board and gov¬
erning it in its transactions with its Agents and
the insured, are published for the guidance and
information of Policy-holders.

The agreement is mutual, as expressly stipu¬
lated in the application and the policy, that un¬
less the premium is paid on or before the day it
becomes, due, the Policy is forfeited and void.

All premiums are due and payable at the office
of the Company, in the city of New-York, but
for the convenience of Policy-holders residing at
a distance, they may be paid to an Agent, but
only on the production of a receipt signed by
the President or Secretary, Auditor or Cashier,
who are alone authorized to sign receipts on the
part of the Company. When receipts are deliv¬
ered to a Policy-holder by an Agent, such Agent
should countersign the same as an evidence of
payment to him.

Agents are not authorized to receive any pre¬
mium, on the part of the Company, unless they
shall have been furnished with a receipt therefor
signed by the President or Secretary, as no pay¬
ment made to an Agent without such receipt
  23rd (1866): Page 68 [i.e. 72]