Annual report of the New York Central Railroad Company for the year ending September 30th ...

(Albany, N.Y. :  Weed, Parsons, and Co.,  1857-)



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  1862: Page [5]  


Of the New  York   Central TIailroad  Company  to  the  State  Engineer and

Surveyor of the State of New York, made pursuant to

Chaptei; UO of the Laws of 1S50.

Being for the Year Ending September SOth, 1863.

1.   The Amount of the Capital Stock as by Charter :

2.   The Amount of Capital Stock Subscribed :

Capital stock, as by last report,.............................  824,000,000 00

The amount now of capital stock,..........................    24 000,000 00

3.   The Amount of Capital Stock PAID IN AS BY LAST Report, S-24,000,000 00

4.   The Amount of Capital Stock now paid in,...........    24,000,000 00

5.   The Funded Debt AS BY LAST Eeport,................$14,613,005 50

6.   The Total Amount now of Funded Debt,............    14,279,593 37

The Following is a Detailed Statement of the Funded Debt :
Debt Certificates, or Premium Bonds, issued to Stockholders in 1853, under the
ConsoUdation Agreement, payable May 1st, 18S3, with interest at 6 per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually, on 1st May and November,    S8,892,600 00
Deduct the amount of these Certificates purchased for the Sink¬
ing Fund provided for their payment under the Consolidation
Agreement, and cancelled,...............................      1,549,600 00

S7,350,000 00
Amount  outstanding of  the debts of the   former Companies,
assumed under the Consolidation Agreement, the particulars

of which debts have been stated in previous Reports,........          257,118 22

Bonds of the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Railroad Company,
assumed under the lease of that Road, payable October 1st,
1SG4, interest at 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
on 1st January and July,...............................            24,000 00

Carried forward,...................................    $7,631,118 22
  1862: Page [5]