Annual report of the New York Central Railroad Company for the year ending September 30th ...

(Albany, N.Y. :  Weed, Parsons, and Co.,  1857-)



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  1862: Page 6  


Brought forward,..................................    S7,631,118 22

Bonds for funding the principal of the debts
assumed for the former Companies, at consoli¬
dation, payable August 1st, 1876, interest at 7
per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
on 1st February and August,..............    S 1,680,000 00

Less amount  cancelled   and   held  by Sinking

Fund,*.................................         182,000 00

------------------      1,498,000 00

Bonds to the Stockholders of the Buffalo and
Niagara Falls Railroad Company, under the
lease before referred to, payable May 1st,
1883, interest at 6 per cent per annum, pay¬
able semi-annually, on 1st May and Novem¬
ber, .......................   SUO,800 00

Less amount cancelled   and   held

by Sinking Fund,*  ..........       31,300 00

$79,500 00

Bonds for Railroad stock {as stated
in previous Reports), payable
May 1st, 1883, interest at 6 per
cent per annum, payable semi¬
annually, on 1st May and No¬
vember,....................   $817,000 00

Less amount cancelled and held by

Sinking Fund,*.............       154,000 00

---------------        663,000 00

Bonds for Real Estate purchased,
payable May 1st, 1883, interest
at 6 per cent per annum, paya¬
ble semi-annually, on 1st May
and November,..............   $235,000 00

Less amount cancelled and held by

Sinking Fund,*.............         70,000 00

—-----^^—        165,000 00

-----------------         907,500 00

Carried forward,................................... $10,036,618 22

* For pai-ticulars as to this Siaking Fund, see Annual Report for 1856.
  1862: Page 6