Columbia Library columns (v.7(1957Nov-1958May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.7,no.1(1957:Nov): Page 37  

The John Jay Papers



"THROUGH the good offices of the Friends of the Columbia
Libraries and of others who have the interests of the Uni-
- versity at heart—including two Foundations—the John Jay
Papers, so rich in source materials in the period before, during,
and after the American Revolution, are now safely in the archives
of Special Collections, where they are already serving the needs
of scholarship. The purchase was completed exactly on schedule.

Columbia is indeed grateful to those who assisted so generously
in making this majot event possible. The Friends, in particular,
may be justly proud of the part they have taken. It was the action
of the Council of the Friends in giving the John Jay project its
official support, culminating in the formation of the John Jay Com¬
mittee of the Friends, that made possible the obtaining of the large
sum that was needed. The John Jay Committee, comprising Mrs.
Harold G. Henderson, Mrs. Donald Hyde, Professor Allan Nevins,
Mr. Edmund A. Prentis, and Mr. Roland Baughman, bore the prin¬
cipal responsibility for arousing widespread interest in the project,
and its successful conclusion is to be credited to their efforts and
enthusiasm. Two large grants toward the purchase were made by
the Avalon Foundation and Columbia University, but even these
left us far short of the goal. Individual Friends subscribed more
than eighty percent of the balance—an evidence of serious interest
in the Libraries that will never be forgotten.

An exhibition of the John Jay Papers is being planned for the
occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Friends in January, 1958.

  v.7,no.1(1957:Nov): Page 37