Columbia Library columns (v.10(1960Nov-1961May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.10,no.2(1961:Feb): Page 55  

Activities of the Friends                           55

Mr. Barrett then introduced the speaker of the evening. Dr.
Schuyler C. Wallace, who has been Director of the School of In¬
ternational Affairs at Columbia since its inception and who diiect-
ly administeis some of its component units: the Neat and Middle
East Institute and the Centers of Iranian, Pakistan, and Turkish
Studies. Dr. Wallace said that he had returned earlier this month
from a trip to the Middle East, which he had made at the invitation
of the three American colleges there: Robert College in Turkey,
the American University of Cairo, and the American University
of Beirut. Although each of these schools started as a missionary
institution, they have in succeeding years become secular and have
become relatively strong and influential. The changed govern¬
ments in Turkey, Egypt, and Lebanon have, within the past few
years, altered the economic and political milieu in which the
schools operate. He concluded the main part of his address by
saying that these three American colleges had performed an im¬
portant function by providing windows from the Aliddle East to
the West and from the West to the Middle East.

He added that while he was there he had the opportunity to
carry on two othei activities, which would benefit Columbia. He
made airangements fot two or three of the faculty members there
to come to Columbia to teach, and he gave some assistance to nego¬
tiations which are at present underway by which the Columbia
Libraries hope to acquire an important Persian collection.

At the conclusion of the program. Dr. Logsdon spoke with
warm appreciation of the leadership of Air. Barrett during his two
terms in office and of the accomplishments of the Friends during
that period. The audience concurred with a lound of applause.

During the social-houi of the evening, the Fiiends and their
guests viewed a special exhibit arranged by Mr. Roland Baugh¬
man, Head of Special Collections, which contained selections from
the books and manuscripts that had been presented by our mem¬
bers during 1960.
  v.10,no.2(1961:Feb): Page 55