Columbia Library columns (v.10(1960Nov-1961May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.10,no.2(1961:Feb): Page 54  

Activities of the Friends

Annual Meeting. The Annual iMeeting of the Friends of the
Columbia Libiaiies was held in Wollman Auditoiium of Feiiis
Booth Hall at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Januaiy 18, 1961. Mr. C.
Waller Barrett, the Chairman of our association, presided.

As the fiist item of the shoit business session. Mi. Bairett called
on Mr. Lestei D. Egbert, Chairman of the Committee on Revision
of the Constitution and By-laws, for a report. A'lr. Egbert said that
the proposed new wording of Articles W and VIII of the Consti¬
tution and Articles III and VI of the By-laws had been mailed to
all members of the association. The intent of these changes, he ex¬
plained, is to increase the number of Council memberships from
fifteen to eighteen and to simplif>- certain aspects of our opera¬
tions. On behalf of the committee, he moved that the changes be
adopted. The membership present so voted.

Acting upon nominations presented by the Nominating Com¬
mittee, of which Mrs. Franz T. Stone is Chairman, the members
re-elected to membeiship on the Council those whose terms were
to expiie at this meeting (Mr. C. Waller Barrett, Mi. Heniy Rog-
eis Benjamin, Mi. Alfied C. Berol, Mrs. Arthur C. Holden, and
Mr. Francis T. P. Plimpton) and elected to fill two of the three
new Council memberships Mr. Hugh J. Kelly, Executive Vice
President of the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, and Dr. John
A. Krout, Vice President of the University. Council memberships
are for three-year terms.

Mr. Barrett said that the officers of the association are elected by
the Council and that he took pleasure in announcing that the fol¬
lowing members of the association had been elected to serve two-
year terms which would begin at the close of the Annual Adeeting:
Dr. John Krout as Chairman and Mr. Francis T. P. Plimpton as
Vice Chairman.

  v.10,no.2(1961:Feb): Page 54