Columbia Library columns (v.15(1965Nov-1966May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.15,no.1(1965:Nov): Page 39  

Our Growing Collections                           39

ily available. Our list of required titles was carefully prepared,
and the response has been remarkable. Within a month and a
half, from the middle of May when the first package came into
our hands until the end of June, 622 titles in 780 volumes had
been received, and further gifts are expected. Many of the pub¬
lications represent limited editions that are now out of print, and
much classified material published by the National Go\'ernment
is included.

Feinberg gift. A^rs. Charles E. Feinberg has presented the scarce
proof-sheet of Walt Whitman's "For Queen Victoria's Birth¬
day", May 24, 1890.

Friedman gift. Mr. Harry G. Friedman (Ph.D., 1908) has pre¬
sented fi\-e pamphlets on sculpture published by Tiffany & Co.
in 1907 and 1908.

Gellhorn gift. Profes.sor Walter Gellhorn (LL.B., 1931) has
made substantial additions to the collection of his notes, cor¬
respondence, and manuscripts.

Greeman gift. .Mr. Richard L. Greeman (M.A., 1963) has for
some time collected works on microfilm by and about the French
author Victor Serge. These films \\i\e been presented to Colum¬
bia University, under certain suitable restrictions. Included is
Serge's manuscript novel, Les Annees Sans Pardon.

Halsband gift. Professor Robert Halsband (M.A., 1936) has
presented several items of high importance. Among them are:
Italo Montemezzi's L'Amore dei Tre Re, 1913, inscribed by
the composer to Mrs. Halsband; a photographic portrait of Pad-
erewski, glazed and framed, and inscribed to Mrs. Halsband;
and a group of miscellaneous autographs and printed pieces
relating to Josef Hofmann, John McCormack, Julia and E. H.
Sothern, and Louis Syberkrop.
  v.15,no.1(1965:Nov): Page 39