Columbia Library columns (v.15(1965Nov-1966May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.15,no.2(1966:Feb): Page 54  

Donald Frizell Hyde

April 17, 1909-February 5, 1966

"In Donald Hyde's untimely death"—President Grayson Kirk
has written—"the world of letters has lost one of its most valued
supporters. His literary and bibliophilic interests were many
and varied, and he devoted himself to them, as to his chosen pro¬
fession of the law, with energy, imagination and constructive

"Constructive generosity" on a truly international scale. But
members of the Friends of the Columbia Libraries have a very
special reason for remembering how timely and constructive the
Hydes—Donald and Mary—have been through the whole mod¬
ern period of our activities. Late in 1950 a plan to reactivate the
Friends stood in need of impetus. The idea was there, the poten¬
tial was fully appreciated, but a point had been reached where
momentum was beginning to abate. The Hydes, characteristi¬
cally, supplied the impetus in both personal encouragement and
support precisely when it was most effective. In acknowledgment
the then Director of Libraries, Carl White, wrote, "Your gift
will always stand in my mind as a kind of symbol—a symbol of
the real beginning of our Friends' organization. How much this
will mean to Columbia and all it stands for, and how proud I am
to be the one who has the pleasure of thanking you, both of you,
at this moment of beginnings."

In the intervening years Hbraries and bibliographical organiza¬
tions throughout this country and beyond ha\'e benefited from
their participation, encouragement and support. Donald Hyde
will be much missed, but the lasting benefits of his work will con¬
tinue to influence all of us. His was a "constructive generosity"
that we will long remember.—R.H.L.

  v.15,no.2(1966:Feb): Page 54