Columbia Library columns (v.26(1976Nov-1977May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.26,no.2(1977:Feb): Page 31  

The Augustus Long Health Sciences Library          31

objectives: to reunite for the first time since 1939 the entire
335,000 volume collection; to provide space to implement and
expand new service programs; to provide space for the user popu¬
lation to use the resources and services of the library as well as to
accommodate students' need for a place to study.

A reading room in the Augustus Long Librar\"
showing the exhibit area at the rear.

In response to the growing demands of a great medical center
and despite the inadequate facilities to accommodate it, the col¬
lections had continued to grow beyond the walls of the former
medical library space. A-Iore than two-thirds of the collection was
stored in various locations around the City. The new library pro¬
vides space not only for the existing collection but for the growth
that is anticipated over the course of the next fifteen to twenty
years. Parts of the print collection are located on the lobby level
and the two lower levels. The currently received journal issues
and all current year, unbound issues are shelved on the lobby level.
  v.26,no.2(1977:Feb): Page 31