Columbia Library columns (v.26(1976Nov-1977May))

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  v.26,no.3(1977:May): Page 5  

Whitney AL Young, Jr.                              5

In his inaugural address as executive head of the Urban League
movement at the 1961 Urban League Conference in Dayton,
Ohio, AMiitney Young pledged "to give the Urban League not
only that which 1 have gained in the way of experience, skills and

Young witli President Jolin 1". Ivenned\ and Henr\ Stcegcr, President of
the National Urban League, Januar\- 23, 1962.

knowledge, but—with equal zest—all my lo\'alty, devotion and
dedication." He accepted the challenge "to provide wise and dy¬
namic leadership to an organization whose past is legend and whose
future is unlimited."

In fulfilling that pledge and challenge in the ten years between
1961 and 1971, Whitney Young brought forth many dormant
skills, and developed a diplomatic stature that served the League

A History of the National Urban League (1971) by Guichard Parris and Lester
  v.26,no.3(1977:May): Page 5