Columbia Library columns (v.26(1976Nov-1977May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.26,no.3(1977:May): Page 44  

44                                Kenneth A. Lohf

sets of sheets were reserved for special binding. The Ulmann copy,
one of this special fssuc, is bound by the English binder Ivor
Robinson in full black levant morocco with an abstract design
traced in gold on the front cover.

Activities of the Friends

Bancroft Awards Dinner. Members of the Friends, historians, pub¬
lishers and university officials assembled in the Rotunda of Low
Memorial Library on Thursday evening, April 7, for the annual
Bancroft Awards Dinner. Dr. Gordon N. Ray, Chairman of the
Friends, presided. President William J. McGill announced the
winners of the 1977 awards for books published in 1976 which a
jury deemed to be the best in the fields of American histoty and
diplomacy. Awards were presented for the following: Class and
Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn by Alan Dawley,
published by Harvard University Press; The Minutemen and
Their World, by Robert A. Gross, published by the Hill & Wang
division of Farrar, Straus & Giroux; and Slave Population and
Economy in Jamaica, i8oj-i8^4, by Barry W. Higman, published
by Cambridge University Press. The President presented to the
author of each book the award and certificate as provided by the
Edgar A. and Frederic Bancroft Foundation. Certificates were
also presented to the publishers by the Chairman of the Friends.

Fall Meeting. The Fall meeting of the Friends will be held on
Thursday evening, October 27, in the Faculty House. The speaker
will be Dr. Robert Nisbet, the Albert Schweitzer Professor in the
  v.26,no.3(1977:May): Page 44