Columbia Library columns (v.27(1977Nov-1978May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.27,no.1(1977:Nov): Page 43  

Our Growing Collections                         43

Smedley gift. A'Ir. Frederic Cole Smedley (A.B., 1926; LL.B.,
i92 8),New York lawyer who is active in political affairs, has pre¬
sented his correspondence and papers relating to the United Na¬
tions, national politics and elections, and civic organizations in
New York and Connecticut. Among the correspondence are files
of letters from Jimmy Carter, James W. Fulbright, Hubert H.
Humphrey, Jacob K. Javits, John F. Kennedy, AValter Mondale,
Bertrand Russell, C. P. Snow, Adiai F,. Stevenson, Norman
Thomas and Sir Harold AA'ilson.

Van Doren gift. Mrs. Dorothy Van Doren has made a significant
addition to the papers of her late husband, Mark \^an Doren
(Ph.D., 192 I; Litt.D., i960) by means of her recent gift of more
than two thousand pieces of correspondence, including: condo¬
lence letters received by Mrs. Van Doren after Professor Van
Doren's death in December 1972; correspondence with his literary
agent Nanninc Joseph, 1963-1972; and letters from fellow poets
and writers, Philip Boorh, Babette Deutsch, Richard Eberhart,
George Saintsbury, Delmore Schwartz, Lionel Trilling, Glcnway
Wescott, Yver Winters and Louis Zukofsky.

Zielenski gift. Mrs. Rita Zielenski has presented a collection of con¬
tracts, patent assignments and other documents relating to Thomas
A. E,dison and the development of the telegraph network. The
thirty-one documents signed by Edison, dating from 1870 to 1875,
concern his telegraphic patents and his company: Pope, Edison &
Company, and its purchase by The Gold and Stock Telegraph
Company. Mrs. Zielenski's gift also includes more than one-hun¬
dred additional documents pertaining to the laying of the tele¬
graph cable, to the eatly work of Samuel F. B. iMorse and other
inventots, and to later telegraph companies.
  v.27,no.1(1977:Nov): Page 43