Columbia Library columns (v.34(1984Nov-1985May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.34,no.1(1984:Nov): Page 24  

24                              Miriam J. Benkovitz

three pictures of mine in mono¬
chrome, St Alichael & the dragon
(photo enclosed) St Gabriel &
St Edmund K. Al. on cxhiliition at
Gifford's Ciallcrics, Union St
Aberdeen. I also have here a
design for a window St Raphael
nearly finished. The price of
these is scvcnt\' guineas each &
I am prepared to furnish from
each a working cartoon for a
window or a panel of tapestry.
A^ou may know what AF Thomson
thinks of mv powers of design
from the fact that he jumped at
lending mc £ 5 on the sccinat\' of
a set of capital letters for "Good
King Wenceslas." Find me then a
purchaser for these works. That
will pay my debts, enable me to
put on clean clothes, & to make
my living by the use of the powers
& materials I have.

"I think \ ou agree with                      Note iiii

me that mere sums of money             A'es. I agree with \'ou.

for your maintenance are                   I will not degrade nnsclf to take

not likch" to serve you—"                   tips. I have good goods to sell

& the money I shall make by them
will serve for the capital on which
I can do all that is necessar\'
for myself & by myself. I want
no one's alms.
  v.34,no.1(1984:Nov): Page 24