Our Growing Collections
Alexander gift. .\ gtoup of approximately five hundred letters
and manuscripts of the late Professor Ivan Alorris has been pre¬
sented for addition to the Morris Papers by Mrs. Annalita Alex¬
ander. There arc lengthy series of letters from his parents and
other relatives and friends, holograph manuscripts of theater and
film reviews, and diaries and journals kept during the 1940s.
Benkovitz gift. Professor Miriam Benko\'itz has presented a second
installment of the papers of the English poet Charles AA'rey Gar¬
diner. Included are: manuscripts for three unpublished autobio¬
graphical books, "Coffee for Laura," "The Octopus of Love,"
and "Printer's Pie"; manuscript drafts and typescripts of thirty-
five poems; a file of twenty-five letters written to fellow writer
Derek Stanford; a notebook enumerating titles in his library;
photographs of family and friends; miscellaneous prose manu¬
scripts; and seven first editions of AA'rey Gardiner's books, several
of which are inscribed.
Buriie Jones gift. Mr. Dan Burne Jones has presented an extensive
collection of the printed work, dating from 1927 to 1978, of the
American illustrator Lynd Ward (B.S., 1926, T.C.), comprising
first and significant early editions, reprints, and variant bindings
and issues. There are 105 books written or illiLStrated by AA'ard,
of which six are inscribed and eight signed by him, and fifteen
books with dust jackets illustrated by AA'ard. In the collection are
copies of An American Pilgrimage, 1927, by Gtace Scribner,
the fitst book illustrated by AA'ard, and the very rare children's
book illustrated by him. Stop Tim!, 1930. Air. Burne Jones has
also donated a fine color photograph of Rockwell Kent taken on
his seventy-eighth birthday, and copies of The Rockwell Kent