Columbia Library columns (v.39(1989Nov-1990May))

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  v.39,no.1(1989:Nov): Page 11  

Contributions to the Pentagram                        11

the last degree; and the rain having now come on, there was scarcely
a dry eye among the company.

|May 29, 188B|


I'm up to books at nine o'clock:

I haven't done my out of School:
Five past! good heavens, what a shock,

I'm up to books at nine o'clock.
My "toys" are shut? We'll burst the lock.
Now my straw hat; "play up" vou fool!
I'm up to books at nine o'clock,

I haven't done ray out of School.


You writing lines? Yes. So am I,

For shirking Chapel Sunday last.
Halloa! I hear another sigh:

You writing lines? Yes. So am I;
That's three of us; and here close by
Another scribbling very fast:
You writing lines? Yes. So am I,

For shirking Chapel Sunday last.

The LOST Chord

I June 6, 18881

The Chord on Bull Fights

"It is not everyone who has seen a bull fight," said the Chord the
other day, during one of those brief intervals of idleness which even
in the W.C.P. {Winchester College Pentagram] office, occasionally
  v.39,no.1(1989:Nov): Page 11