Columbia Library columns (v.39(1989Nov-1990May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.39,no.1(1989:Nov): Page 34  

Our Growing Collections


Anonymous gift. A late-eighteenth-century manuscript of considera¬
ble historical importance. President George Washington's draft of
his proposals for the new American army after the Revolution, has
been presented by an anonymous donor. Written by Washington in
17 9 8 or 17 9 9, at the end of his presidency, the manuscript, a work¬
ing draft with numerous revisions, is closely written on both sides of
two integral folio leaves and has sections headed "Half-pay, & Pen¬
sionary establishment" and "Compleatingthe Regiments and alter¬
ing the establishm. of them."

Anshen gift. For addition to the collection of her papers Dr. Ruth
Nanda Anshen has presented two letters written to her by the
French philosopher Jacques Maritain. Written while he was living
in New York, the letters, dated October 24 and November 4, 1944,
relate with personal warmth his religious and philosophical reflec¬
tions during the war period.

Brown gift. Several groups of important literary manuscripts, letters,
and documents have been presented by Mr. James Oliver Brown for
addition to the collection of his papers, including: typewritten and
autograph manuscripts, all bearing corrections, of twelve stories,
plays, and essays by Louis Auchincloss; the autograph and typewrit¬
ten manuscript of Lonnie Coleman's novel Beulah Land; the cor¬
rected typescripts of Herbert Gold's "The Mystery of Personality
in the Novel" and "The Trouble with Dreamgirls"; nine contracts,
dated 1935 to 1948, signed by Eleanor Roosevelt for the publica¬
tion of her various books, among them The Moral Basis of Democ¬
racy and This Is My Story; and two contracts, dated March 25, 1931,
signed by Frank Lloyd Wright for the publication of his An Autobi¬
ography and From Generation to Generation. Mr. Brown also donated

  v.39,no.1(1989:Nov): Page 34