Columbia Library columns (v.39(1989Nov-1990May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.39,no.1(1989:Nov): Page 41  

Our Growing Collections                             41

Perhaps and Other Poems, Cuala Press, 19 3 2; A Full Moon in March,
1935; In the Seven Woods, 1903; Estrangement, Cuala Press, 1926;
The Death ofSynge, Cuala Press, 1928; Stories of Michael Robartes
and His Friends, Cuala Press, 1931; and Dramatis Personae, Cuala
Press, 1935. Among the sixty-two first editions by and about
Bierce, there are several early collections of his epigrams and stories,
mduAm^Nuggets and Dust \ 1873], The Fiend's Delight \ 1873], Tales
of Soldiers and Civilians, 1891, and Black Beetles in Amber, 1892. Mr.
McWilliams's biography of Bierce, published in 1929, is also
included in the collection.

Miller gift. Professor Edwin H. MilUer has donated four letters
written to him frora 1967 to 1969 by the late Professor Lionel Trill¬
ing concerning Professor Trilling's participation in a Walt Whitman
celebration held at New York University in April 1969. Accompa¬
nying the letters are carbon copies of Professor Miller's replies.

National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee gift. A major addition
to the papers of the National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
has been received, comprising approximately 74,000 pieces of cor¬
respondence, manuscripts, documents, subject and case files, and
printed materials, covering the period from the founding of the
organization in 1951 through 1985. In addition to the records per¬
taining to the administration of the organization, there are extensive
files of the Bill of Rights Journal and the related Bill of Rights Award,
which in the past has been presented to Bob Woodward, Carl Bern¬
stein, Shirley Chisholm, and Benjamin Spock. The case files docu¬
ment various Vietnam antiwar lawsuits, the work of the House Un-
American Activities Committee, and the actions of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission relating to the Indian Point reactor.

Parsons gift. In a recent gift Professor Coleman O. Parsons (A.B.,
1928) has added to his collection several files of notes and drafts of
his writings and researches on George Colraan the elder and his
son, and on Scottish poetry, folklore, and history. Of special interest
in Professor Parsons's gift are eleven original letters and manuscripts
by Thomas Campbell, George Colman the elder. Lord Francis Jef-
  v.39,no.1(1989:Nov): Page 41