Columbia Library columns (v.39(1989Nov-1990May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.39,no.3(1990:May): Page 41  

Activities of the Friends

Winter Reception. The exhibition "Charles Saxon from Columbia to
The New Yorker," which opened with a Friends reception on
Wednesday afternoon, March 7, featured nearly sixty drawings and
watercolors received by bequest from Charles Saxon (A.B., 1940)
and by gift from Mrs. Nancy Saxon. Nearly two hundred Friends
and their guests, members ofthe Saxon family, and representatives
from the editorial and art staffs of The New Yorker attended the
opening reception. The works exhibited were selected from the
more than nine hundred drawings in the bequest and the
approximately two thousand additional drawings, sketches,
scrapbooks, and sketchbooks received as a gift from Mrs. Saxon.

Bancroft Awards Dinner. Mr. Frank S. Streeter, Chairman of the
Friends, presided at the annual Bancroft Awards Dinner in the
Rotunda of Low Memorial Library, Wednesday evening, April 4.
President Michael I. Sovern announced the winners ofthe 1990
awards for distinguished books in American history and diplomacy:
Neil R. McMillen, Dark Journey: Black Mississippians in the Age of
Jim Crow, University of Illinois Press; and James H. Merrell, The
Indians' New World: Catawbas and Their Neighbors from European
Contact Through the Era of Removal, University of North Carolina
Press. President Sovern presented to the author of each book a
$4,000 award from funds provided by the Edgar A. and Frederic
Bancroft Foundation; Mr. Streeter presented citations to the

Future Meetings. The fall exhibition reception will be held on
Wednesday afternoon, December 5; the winter exhibition
reception will be held on March 6, 1991; and the Bancroft Awards
Dinner is scheduled for April 3,1991.

  v.39,no.3(1990:May): Page 41